Join Hearts of Oak for an exclusive interview with Tommy Robinson, where he delves into his ongoing legal battles and the profound impact of his activism.
Robinson shares insights into his voluntary return to the UK and his subsequent detention under contentious terrorism legislation, shedding light on what he describes as a concerted effort to stifle journalistic freedom. He discusses the pivotal role of social media in amplifying alternative voices against the backdrop of mainstream media's alleged collusion with state powers.
Despite facing vilification, Robinson points to a swelling tide of public support, underscoring a disconnect between the establishment's narrative and the grassroots sentiment. Tune in as he criticizes political figures for their lack of solidarity and calls for a united stand at an upcoming rally, positioning it as a critical juncture in the battle for free speech and the preservation of national identity.
Connect with Tommy Robinson:
Interview recorded 23.10.24
*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.
Connect with Hearts of Oak...
Perfect, Peter.
How are you?
Good, good.
So, on Saturday, there are lots to talk about in a short space of time, but you're back on Saturday.
It's going to be a huge day.
Let me touch on that.
Let's touch on your book and then what's been happening in the UK with Patriots, basically, in jail with Peter Lynch, that.
But on Saturday, tell us about Saturday.
Why should people be there?
First of all, I didn't have to come back.
My offence is a civil offence, which means that they couldn't have forced me to come back.
There's no way they could have come and got me on an extradition order for a civil offence.
So, I didn't have to come back.
So, for the record, I've chosen to come back.
So, as you follow whatever happens in my upcoming court case, know that I chose that.
I chose to play the film.
I'm going to tell the judge that. I made the decision, a conscious decision, to play the film. It's my job as a journalist to show the truth.
It's been my job to talk about the difficult subjects that others shy away from. I made that decision on the 27th of July to play that film, knowing full well that they would send me to prison.
And I've done that because I believe I'll let them hurt me to hurt themselves. Because 54 million views on the documentary so far and the entire globe watching what's happening in London this Saturday and in my upcoming court case, it's going to damage them more than it's going to damage me.
I'll go to jail, I'll come back out of jail.
I am concerned that they can give me four years, but I'm in that position now. So that's where I'm at.
So this Saturday, I still, Peter, just to say, there's a warrant out for my arrest, yeah?
Yeah, yeah.
They didn't arrest me at the border.
Yeah, you came in fine.
Okay, so that's not right.
That shouldn't have happened.
So I believe I'm answering bail on Friday for terrorism offences.
I'm about to be charged under terrorism legislation.
So, on the 27th of July, when we held our successful rally, the next day I was detained at the border under terrorism legislation.
The legislation that's been passed by the Labour government, that's who passed it originally, states there's no right to remain silent.
So when you're in an airport or at a border, if you're detained by the counterterrorism unit, you have no right to remain silent.
So for six hours, I was grilled, and I had to answer every question.
If I didn't answer any question, I'm automatically charged under the Terrorism Act.
But the other thing is, you have to give them your passcode to your phone.
Now, if you don't, you are in breach of the Terrorism Act.
Now, I refused because the reason being I'm a journalist.
I'm a journalist, and my sources of information are protected.
At least I thought they were.
But they then arrested me.
So when I said, "No, you'll not have," and I gave my justified reason, your police forces have allowed the addresses of victims of sexual exploitation by grooming gangs to be targeted.
You've got rid of evidence.
Corrupt police officers have been working with them.
Officers have even been raping the girls.
And you want me to give you my sources of information so you can put them on some database computer system that any police officer can access, including every Muslim police officer across the country?
It's not happening.
So I give as a journalist, when people give me information, do you know episode six, Peter?
We're on episode six of The Rape of Britain.
Lots of things have been thrown in my way.
Episode six, we have covert recordings that make serious allegations against a leading Labour politician.
They know that because counterterrorism questioned me about it.
So that's what they want to get in my phone for.
I know why you want to get in there.
And they have got in my phone already because I've had emails going back and forth to my solicitor about warrants that have gone to the judge.
So I'm answering bail because I didn't let them in my phone. They should have charged me there and then, but they didn't.
So my solicitors believe, because I have to go there at three o'clock, two things are going to happen.
They're going to charge me under the Terrorism Act.
And they then will possibly try and remand me to prison this Friday.
Now, they're planning that because of the demonstration on Saturday.
And the current outstanding warrant I have, which I haven't executed, I believe they'll do that this Friday.
Because then there's no chance for me to get bail because it's Friday.
I'll be held for court on Monday.
Could you see this attack on journalists?
I mean, Martin Sellner was blocked going into, was it, Switzerland, like two weeks ago, and they brought a 14-day restriction because he was going to speak at that weekend.
And it seems as though that's in Germany.
But this kind of attack on journalists, you'd expect China or Middle East, but it's here in the UK.
And I'm about to go to jail for between two and four years on Monday for making a film, for making a film.
And there's no argument.
There's no argument about the contents of the film.
There's no argument that I've made stuff up.
It's just that they didn't want you to see the film because they were busy lying to you, deceiving you.
And the biggest question for me is when you watch this documentary, which 54 million people have, what else are they lying about?
What other stories are we being spoon-fed by the globalist, corporate-controlled bastard of a media and the politicians?
All of them work.
There's like an unholy alliance.
We look at it in the documentary.
The media, the politicians, the police, they all work together.
And they work together to control a narrative to feed you and spoon-feed you.
Just as they've done with COVID, just as they've done with vaccines, lockdowns, Brexit. Whatever subject they choose, they choose what you know and what you hear.
Whatever person or character they choose, like me, but not just me, Martin Sellner, any of these characters, they tell you who they are.
They don't want you to hear from us.
And Elon Musk is really in their way. And now you see their scheme.
Okay, so Musk.
Yeah, Musk.
Okay. You've met a lot of people.
You've connected with a lot of people.
But it's still Musk, you look at it whenever he retweets and says, what's wrong with the video, you probably thought, holy shit.
Well, I looked through every morning during the troubles.
The riots, and every morning, three, four of our posts were liked by Elon Musk.
He was following everything. Now, what Elon Musk allowed was the British public to see what their media didn't want you to see.
Now, obviously, with their control element, through censorship and big tech, and before big tech, they controlled you through their mainstream newspapers and the TV.
All of a sudden, social media comes.
They've lost control.
There's a populist revolution across the world, starting in India with Modi.
Then we see Brazil.
Then we see America.
We see all these countries.
They lost control for a few years.
Through big tech, delete everyone, censor everyone, change the algorithms, push their voices. They regained control. I was disappeared for five years.
In comes a billionaire who's not willing to back down, buys up X for 40, what, 48 billion pounds.
Fuck you to the establishment.
We're having free speech again. What does free speech mean?
It means Tommy Robinson goes like this.
And it means 1.7 billion people have interacted with my stuff in the last 12 weeks.
It means that you're searching for the truth.
The public want the truth.
They know they're being lied to.
The best thing is at the minute, they know, the public know, they're being deceived at every level.
We all know mass immigration is not good for us. We know diversity is not our strength.
We know we're being replaced.
We know it's all orchestrated.
There is no refugee crisis.
They're creating it.
They're bringing them in.
So you're being replaced. You're being enslaved.
Your wages are going down.
Your cost of living is going up, and that's all planned. Every last bit of it is not, it's manufactured.
And anyone who's talking about it, they used to just be able to go, delete him from YouTube.
Yeah, we'll delete him from Facebook.
We'll ban his name.
Not anymore because of X. So Elon Musk is, I keep saying it, he won't be remembered for Tesla.
He won't be remembered for sending things up into space. He'll be remembered for saving freedom of speech.
And the Department of Government Efficiency, Dodge, when he does that.
He can't wait.
Two weeks, but in those two weeks, see, I'll be in jail.
I'll be in prison too late for me.
So what does it mean?
Because you talk to people in the UK and they see you through the prism of the media, the legacy media.
And I know talking to members of the establishment more and they are, you know, the Daily Mail says this or the Times says this.
But that Times piece saying Jordan Peterson has mainstream Tommy, that was intriguing. What has that been like?
Because the world sees you one way, but the Brits see you through the prism of the Daily Mail.
America doesn't see it that way. They see you through the prism of Jordan Peterson saying, this guy's great.
Well, I don't think the Brits see me through the Daily Mail either.
I just think that their whole monopoly and the power they've had is gone.
They just don't realize it.
They've tried to make me the most hated man in Britain. And in doing so, they've made me the Robin Hood of Britain.
They've made me.
The more they attack me, the better my profile goes.
And the more they attack me, and there's a reason for that, when they're attacking me, people know it's because they want to attack them. I'm giving people a voice.
I'm saying things that people aren't prepared to say because they've got jobs and they'll lose careers.
So they're grateful that I say it. So when they see me come under immense attack, they feel aligned and emotionally attached to the story. So lots of people do.
So, I get surprised in the street at how people embrace me, not just, "All right, Tommy," but the fact I've had people come up to me crying their eyes out regularly.
So, I see the attachment they feel, and I have my finger on the pulse, which is why even with Nigel Farage, I think you haven't got your finger on the pulse.
You're making these comments, and you don't get the feeling and mood of this nation currently where we are.
I don't think anyone can quite understand how quickly this has changed in 18 months.
Katie Hopkins, for example. Katie Hopkins left this country the most hated woman in Britain. She's returned. I've walked down the street with her.
I've gone into London with her. I've taken her to the local pub.
And she's loved.
She's a fucking hero.
She's loved by everyone.
She's a women's champion.
Yeah? So...
They're not winning.
And they know they're not winning.
And even now, so I've been very emotional last week. So every time I've spoken about issues, I end up bawling my eyes out on each one of the things. But every time, it's pretty embarrassing.
I'm waiting for all these videos and all these interviews are coming out this week. It's just me crying.
I'm like, baby. But that's because I'm thinking of my kids and I'm thinking of the effect.
I make decisions.
Every decision I make has an effect on my family and they have to deal with it as well.
But to the establishment, which is basically what my statement to the court says, "Do your fucking best."
Yeah, I'm not here to apologize, at all.
In fact, I've done my job, yeah? If my job puts me on the wrong side of your bullshit injunction that prohibits the public seeing the truth, and that means I have to sit in a prison cell, off I go.
Yeah, now that's the position I'm in, and I know, and I don't think they get it.
Say they go maximum on me and give me four years.
They're going to enrage people.
My work for 15 years has been to wake people up, to get them to view what's happening and understand what's happening.
Understand we have a politicized, weaponized judiciary.
We don't have a justice system.
We have a legal system.
When they, the establishment, one, they put a target on you, they use that legal system as a weapon of the totalitarian state because we don't live in a free state.
We don't live in a democracy.
All total bullshit.
So they don't realize by gunning for me like they're going to and probably hammering me, they're awakening more people than I can ever.
It'd take me seven days a week of work for the next 10 years to wake up the amount of people that will be woken up on Monday when they send me to jail.
And there's a distinction between the police, the Bobby on the beat, those who work on the streets.
They all shake my hand.
Yeah, but also the government because it's not necessarily the Bobby on the beat who just joined the police to fight crime; they are being told what to do.
And they're simply following, because every police force follows the orders of the government. And we have a far-left government, and they're basically told what to do.
This case has not been brought against me by the police.
This case is not...
So Jamal, the child in this story, has not asked for me to be prosecuted, which is the usual process.
His lawyers have not asked for me to be prosecuted.
I am being prosecuted by the Attorney General of Keir Starmer's government.
That's who's charging.
And first it was the Conservatives.
It was the Conservatives, yeah.
And it just gets passed on.
It's a Tommy file. Keep it up.
Yeah, keep it up.
There's no difference.
I hope people realize that.
What Labour has done in the last three months, they've just shown themselves.
The Conservatives were doing exactly the same.
They were building this aspect of a totalitarian, controlled state.
They were busy.
They've been busy for 13 years abusing your rights and planning it all.
Labour has come in and just gone, "Fucking, we don't care what people think."
Whack. Let's do it really quick.
Let's hammer them.
Let's put people in jail, like Peter Lynch, for two years, eight months.
For what?
Have you seen the videos?
So I've seen the videos, but that two-tier system and Elon Musk is, when he was told, shut up, he just doubled down.
How well have we seen that two-tier system?
But Musk, using a hashtag two-tier kier, was like, this is beautiful, being the opposition to the government. But that, you can have rapists who...
You can have rapists who get out after two, three years.
You can get those with sex images of children actually walk free, like we've seen if you're part of the establishment.
But you say hurdy words to a police officer or you shout something at a dog and you get put two and a half years.
I think we are seen through it.
Politicians now who were silent, media people who were silent, are now saying, this has gone too far. I mean, hell yes, it's gone too far.
Do you know that, for me, Reform had five candidates selected?
Yeah. Have you heard any of them talk about Peter Lynch yet?
Have you heard any of them talk about the demographic replacement of Great Britain, or us as Britain?
No, they're afraid of that.
Have you heard any of them talk about any of the fucking subjects that people voted for them for? No. You're meant to be reformed.
You were elected to be the opposition voice, to give the people without a voice a voice. And you're doing the same shit.
You're meant to be the different...
I'll just sit and think, well, I've been waiting for the fireworks.
Where's the fireworks? You were elected.
Do you know what?
If I stand for election and I go into Parliament, you'll see fireworks.
I'll fucking let the whole fucking place go.
And I'll tell them everything that you want to tell them.
So I'm reforming, I look and think, well, he's got to be careful, he's an MP now.
What do you mean he's got to be careful?
He was voted in not to be careful.
You were voted in there to give a voice to the voiceless. Well, the voiceless at the minute are being killed in jail.
They're being murdered.
The voiceless are being taken from their kids and put in prison for hurtful fucking words.
And you're sitting there silent.
And you've actually promised you'd be a voice for the people's movement.
Well, all the people are being trampled on.
The people's rights are being taken.
What are you doing about it? It just winds me up. I think, no, you said you were different.
You said you were going to be different.
You've all just sat there doing exactly the same as all the other parties, being careful. No one wants you to be careful. You weren't elected to be careful.
But a lot of MPs are elected, as we know, as you know, because they want a position.
It's not about doing good. It's about power, influence and a position.
They want to be part of the establishment.
Whereas we want to tear down that establishment.
But they've perceived, they've given the image, which even I was guilty of telling people to vote for Reform, they've told people this is what they want to do.
And then they've done nothing.
Since they've got in, I'm not being funny, what have they done since they've got in?
Absolutely fuck all.
They haven't challenged, they won't talk about Islam, so as you become a minority in your town and city, as another 30 mosques are being built today around the nation, they're not going to talk about it.
They'll sit there quietly while Islam takes over Great Britain, and then they'll talk about the boats.
Oh, the boats.
The boats aren't the biggest problem here, yeah?
The boats are easy to talk about.
You need to talk about difficult issues, like the fact that we, by 2041, as white Brits, Anglo-Saxons, are going to be a minority in our own country.
That cannot be allowed. And they won't talk about it.
For me, it's cowardice. It's total cowardice.
You were elected to give a voice to the voiceless, and the voiceless are still voiceless.
What are your thoughts in two weeks?
A huge event that will give us the ability to return free speech.
And I think why the establishment fear Trump getting back in again, which all mean all the betting sites have him winning.
I was watching yesterday, Sky News were having to admit that every betting site has him winning in every swing state and therefore winning.
But if he wins, it kicks off, it encourages the populist movement side across Europe and then gives us hope here.
Because here it's a few individuals, but not a political movement.
What he does is he makes Viktor Orban a somebody again.
He makes the new Austrian leader a powerhouse. At the minute, the Western leaders or the communist leaders are in power, whether it be Macron, whether it be Keir Starmer, whether it be the Germans who are trying to ban and outlaw AFD, the Democratic Party.
They become nobodies, minus Trump wins.
Trump builds his allegiance with the populist leaders.
And just to make a point again on the populist leaders, you see all these populist leaders.
You see Le Pen, you see Wilders, Swedish Democrats.
When I started my activism, Swedish Democrats were on 1.5% of the vote.
They're now on 25%.
They didn't get there, Nigel Farage, by being fucking cowards.
They got there by saying Islam has to stop. It has to go.
They didn't get there by mixing the words.
And you know the whole time that they were brave and fearless when they were putting their lives on the line, their reputations, all of these populist leaders, Nigel Farage's UKIP refused to align with them.
The whole time said they're toxic and they're far right.
Like, we're all far right.
So, yeah, it winds me up that the people's only choice at the minute is a party that gave away the chairman position to a Muslim who funded the most money.
Sold their fucking heart like that.
It just winds me up because I think there is...
I was hoping to build a cultural movement and hope that, okay, there's Reform.
Let them be the political solution.
We will electrify the working class.
No point in electrifying the working
When I've watched you over the years, one phrase that comes out is attitude and how you actually engage and deal with an issue and where the system thought they could actually get rid of you and crush you, that you've got that tenacity that you just keep pushing back.
And I think that can be infectious.
I think that's why these rallies, the book, we'll touch on that, but why all of that is so important, it's so essential, because you show what it means to go into battle, kind of the same attitude as Bannon has.
But I don't want to.
I know.
So I've been shitting myself.
You're not asking for it.
No, and I've been shitting myself.
And I've been shitting myself.
But at the same time, I know that if they were able to silence me and shut me up and break me, then it would send a devastating message to the rest of the people who are looking at me.
And as you said, courage is contagious.
So people will see and think, well, hold on, if he can stand up. And do you know, on our last event, I look at the people at our last event, I look at the people who are going to come on the 26th, even if they manage to put me in jail.
I look and think, each one of them showed immense courage because I know the process you've gone through.
I know you've been worried about going.
I know you've been scared.
I know you've thought about your reputation.
I know you've thought about your neighbors.
What have my neighbors seen?
What if everyone says I'm at a far-right rally?
What if the media...
And then you've got to the point where you've gone, you know what?
Fuck all that, all right?
I'm doing the right thing.
And courage is still being scared.
But still, you're terrified.
But you still know what the right thing to do is.
And sometimes, unfortunately, in a tyrannical totalitarian state, doing the right thing is sometimes seen by them as doing the wrong thing.
There's a time that comes and mass disobedience is needed, and you talk about our latest book, "Manifesto," that went straight to number one.
Knocked Boris Johnson off the top spot.
And the thing is, I just laugh because that's my fourth Amazon bestseller.
Was it The Guardian wrote a piece and they hadn't read it?
They wrote a piece about the reviews.
Read the book.
Your response and the way they acted is exactly what we predict in the book about a controlled state, and they're lying to you about everything, letting you understand how the world actually works.
How this country works, how everything's planned and orchestrated, including the immigration crisis, how they don't actually care who they're farming.
We're like animals to be farmed, yeah?
And they don't care what color or race we are as long as the 1% are just milking the fucking shit out of us, yeah?
And they want us to have less freedom and less movement, less everything.
And for them to get richer and for us to get poorer, and then all of us to be down here like little ants just being governed by them.
That's the plan.
They're being very successful, but if enough people wake up to it and plan mass disobedience, like for example, a million people calling in sick one day.
Sort of what we need to understand that we have the power, we just need to come together.
Sorry, my phone doesn't stop.
It's a new phone.
I don't know how to put it.
That's just my little girl.
I don't know how to put it on silent on this new one.
It used to be there, didn't it?
How do you put the 16 on silent?
Tommy's looking for a new tech person to help on.
Yeah, I lost my phone.
But the police, you know, took my phone on the 27th of July.
They gave it back to me, and straight away, as soon as I got it back, it came up with an error saying, "not an original Apple battery, not an original Apple screen."
Oh, really?
I wonder what you've been up to there, guys.
Give me back a phone that you're fucking watching everything on.
But they can call anyone a terrorist because obviously, as you pointed out, it gives them the right to then access your information.
So it's irrelevant.
Whether they think you're going to carry out any activity really in terrorism.
It's simply using that as a way of accessing journalists.
They actually told me as they detained me, "We believe you may be in preparation of acts of terrorism."
And they said, "We know you're not.
We know you're not that.
We know you're not, Tommy, but this legislation gives us the opportunity to do this."
It's like, oh mate, this is insane.
The book, Manifesto, because Peter McLaughlin is your co-author and he obviously wrote Easy Meat and he understands the grooming.
I mean, he kept records, and he's a perfect person.
He's the most intelligent man I've ever come across.
The most intelligent man, do you know how he predicted and sat and told me that COVID was coming the year before?
So I have all these discussions going back and forth about the money bubble, the printing of money, gold, where we're heading, what's happening.
And about a year before COVID, he said they're going to create and manufacture a massive crisis because the money bubble is going to burst.
And they've just been printing money, and it doesn't work like that.
And when it bursts, everyone's going to look for someone to blame.
They need something else.
So they're going to create something, probably a pandemic.
Probably, and he told me all this, and then COVID comes, and he rang me, I remember him ringing me up and said, "Tommy, I said, I fucking know, you told me so."
I know, he goes, "This is it, mate, this is it, this is it, lockdown, printing money, this is it, this is them controlling it, which is what immigration is all part of."
So using Peter's knowledge, as well as my life experience, and what we've seen together, we put it into a book called "Manifesto," giving people an opportunity to understand this is how the world works, and it's going to piss them off.
You see when the actual one percent read that because they've lied throughout the whole history.
They just change history, they change it.
They decide what happened and they change and decide what you know about a certain individual.
So, for example, if it wasn't for X over the last five years, once I was censored, you go on Google and search my name, none of my videos come up.
It's all the propaganda hit pieces against me.
They then are in the education system.
So throughout the whole national curriculum now, they teach the next generation of kids about me.
Well, guess what they're teaching them?
They're not teaching them about a nice guy who stood up for my country or my rights or young women who were getting raped.
They're teaching them I'm a racist, I'm an extremist.
They put up a picture of Adolf Hitler and then they put up a picture of me. So the next generation is being brainwashed; this is what they do.
So, the whole generation of people come out who have access only now to the internet because I'm not allowed on any social media, and they just get fed and history, their history that they're teaching will tell the next generation I was the devil.
Until someone like Elon Musk comes along and says, "No, you won't."
Well, let Tommy have a voice.
And then I can just go, bang, yeah, here we are, 54 million views.
And we can buy books that they can't get rid of.
And then people, and then you can see the appetite for the books is there because each one of them has gone straight to number one.
That must infuriate.
I remember there's this.
It's so badly you sold OUT. That's how badly it did.
And do you know what?
On pre-orders, the new books come this week.
By Monday, we've sold out.
We've sold out again, yeah?
So it's like, what's the journalist?
There's a journalist from Cambridge who always writes shit about me.
That doesn't narrow us down, does it?
And he's an author.
And every time my book goes to number one, because I've gone on Twitter and I message him saying, "Oi, oi, this football hooligan's got his fourth bestselling number one.
Your whole life is dedicated to trying to be an author and you can't sell any books, bro." But anyway, the fight is on.
I said it's fight or flight.
And I could have chosen to stay away from day dot when I started my activism talking about Islam.
We've never run away from the issue.
Yes, I went away.
Yes, I stayed away until this week.
Why did I stay away until this week?
So that me and my team could put together a documentary to expose Keir Starmer and his regime of tyrants.
So the documentary goes live this Saturday.
So again, if they detain me on Friday, they're going to blow shit up on the media. It's going to go around the world. Our documentary's going to get more views. The documentary's still going out.
I've already made a video to be played on the 26th, yeah?
It's still happening.
When you send me to prison, I've already made a video about that.
So I know through the power of our movement, because we are a movement, you think you can cut the head off.
We're a movement.
Everyone's part of it.
And they're just going to go boom.
And the whole entire globe is going to look at the judge who sentenced me to jail.
They're going to look at Keir Starmer.
And if any of you clowns think they're going to look at me negatively, they're not.
They're looking at you negatively. In this battle, I win.
I temporarily lose in jail, but eventually, I win.
It's not just me that wins, we win.
The future belongs to nationalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
You communist tyrants, Keir Starmer, enjoy your little period.
You're going to be remembered as the worst prime minister this country ever had. You'll never last five years.
Never, ever last five years.
The Bannon phrase, next man up, he was put away in jail, is going to be released in a few days. As a hero? Yeah, as a hero.
Oh, Steve.
But nothing has stopped.
You've got the war and posse stepping to do that.
And for you, it's happened whenever you've been locked away, people still stand up.
It doesn't stop us.
The biggest demonstration will happen once I'm locked away. So we've had three United Kingdoms.
I'm going to plan my fourth United Kingdom once I get my release date.
You're slowing it down temporarily, but I don't think you will slow it down.
What I think my imprisonment will do is galvanize our support base and bring them together more than anything.
Now, there'll be a lot of attempts just to warn you.
There will be attempts to cause infighting, cause disruption.
The government will be everywhere waiting.
The minute I get imprisoned, bang.
The government infiltrators come out, and so will the far-right racist Nazi scumbags who always have been, but none of them are willing to leave.
None of them are willing to put their face up there.
So I hope, I'll give a date.
I hope to hear as many of you outside the prison as possible in a couple of weeks.
And it's built because I remember the Free Tommy demo on Whitehall.
I think Raheem and people like that were leading that.
That goes by me six, seven years.
But the current time we find ourselves in because of the COVID tyranny means that a lot of people have woken up and realised, actually, you cannot trust the media where before maybe they did.
You cannot trust the police where before they did.
And there's an absolute lack of trust. So the message you're bringing that we can come together and start something is so important.
I think so timely.
So timely.
And do you know how powerful you've been on the events, man?
And it's like, look, I've got goosebumps just thinking.
I've got goosebumps just thinking.
Oh, it's fun.
People coming together, it is good fun.
It's not just fun, it's camaraderie. It's like we're there together, and it's us versus them.
And everyone here in this crowd now realizes that.
And if you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us.
And Keir Starmer decided that, yeah, when he started imprisoning innocent British people, brave people, hardworking people, men.
He fought, and his government fought that would make us all terrified.
And make us hide and stop commenting.
Because the hope is that you self-censor.
The hope is you don't talk about these issues.
The hope is you don't think you can go out and legally protest.
What we're going to show you this Saturday, we're going to show the world, is that you can.
Bigger, better, stronger, louder.
This Saturday, 26th.
When's this going out?
It's going out Friday. It's all gone a day before.
Come on, get your shit together.
Get your train ticket.
Get out to London.
Scott, don't go to football. No more excuses.
If your missus says she can't go, leave her.
Leave her.
I didn't say that.
See you later.
Do you know what the difference is?
It's the women that are coming.
I mean, the men tell you the women they can't go.
It's a family thing.
Kids coming along.
Here is the text with corrected grammar:
I am so shocked at the amount of women.
And do you know when you win the women?
And why the women?
Because British women are looking around.
They're scared.
They've got daughters.
They've got families.
They've got futures.
They're looking and thinking, hold on a minute.
I had a woman who stopped me.
She lives in beautiful North Wales.
And she said, "I never used to like you at all.
And now they've put all these migrants in my little village, and we're all scared, and they're harassing the women."
I said, "And now you see what I've spoken about."
She said, "I've looked into everything now."
She said, "I'm sorry.
For 10 years, I've hated you.
I've hated you."
She said, "And now I'm looking, and Jesus, he's right about all of it."
That's because now it's a sad state of affairs.
So many people can see it.
But what's Keir Starmer managed to do with the riots?
He hasn't discussed anything.
He hasn't discussed the rapes, the murders, any of the crimes committed, any of the stabbings, any of the killings, knife crime, terrorism, jihad, Islam.
He hasn't had to talk about any of it by branding all of you as far-right.
So on the 26th, it's that important that you behave.
It's that important that you don't give them any ammunition to attack us. Any of their instigators with face masks.
If you wear a face mask, it will be asked to be removed.
If you don't remove it, we have 400 security at this event.
We will remove it.
Okay, you will be escorted away from the demonstration.
So please, lads, I understand your anger.
I understand everyone's anger. We have a right to be angry. But if we didn't have a platform and people weren't listening, I'd understand the overstepping of the aggression. But the entire globe is watching you this Saturday.
If I'm not there, the entire world, their media, every important live streamer, everyone, their eyes are on you.
Make us proud and make your country proud, man.
Make your country proud, make Keir Starmer feel like the little fucking weasel that he is, sitting in number
Shitting himself thinking, "Ah, it didn't work.
We thought jailing them all would work. No, Keir, it doesn't work, no.
It doesn't work. Prison's not gonna stop us, mate, at all.
Nothing's gonna stop us.
So when we say we want our country back, we mean it.
And there's no end to that.
It's not like we're gonna stop fighting, we're gonna carry on fighting forever."
So come, make sure you're following his Twitter account, X account, or whoever is putting it on.
But yeah, come and be smart. Don't fall into the trap.
No, come and smile.
Come and smile and have a great day.
Because I know each one of them has been great.
So you'll soon forget your anger with the music we've got going on.
We've got a band, a beautiful band, the British Patriot Band.
It's the Black Gospel Girls.
We've got them singing four songs.
We've got a surprise guest who's a fabulous singer, singing three songs.
And we've got another lad who sings songs about Keir Starmer, singing three songs.
So we have a lot of music, as well as a fabulous new expose documentary to premiere on the day, as well as a list of multiple speakers, some coming from France, some people coming from America, some people coming from Canada, people coming from Australia, from all over the world, they're coming into London.
So if they can make the effort to get on flights and come from that far, get on the train, man.
I know it's expensive, I know it's hard, I know it's difficult, but the 26th of October is going to be etched into British history.
It's a time when we stood up to Keir Starmer.
Of course, just drive down and share with people.
And bring family and bring kids, because this is all about, as you've talked about, Tommy, about kids, the future generation, fighting for a country of freedom for them.
It was great to see all the families, man.
Do you know what?
It was great to see the total diversity of the crowd and to see that, I'll just smile, because I think all your years have lied to the public. It fucking didn't work at all.
Everywhere I'm going, do you know the black community, the Asian community, the Hindu community, the Sikh community, everywhere I go, I get a show of love.
They didn't hate me because of your bullshit.
No one believed you. Your media power's gone.
We are the media, yeah?
We are the media.
I've done a little rant yesterday about Peter Lynch's death.
It's at 1.8 million views.
Go eat your heart out, BBC, yeah?
We are the voice of the people, and nothing's going to stop us, all right?
Tommy, thank you, and I'll certainly be there on Saturday, as will tens and tens of thousands. Let's go for 100,000.
Let's go for over 100,000.
Let's just take over London, man.
Yeah. I hope that we've put on a...
No, each time it's been a festival, so I hope you've enjoyed it each time.
And if I'm in prison, then smile for me, because I'll be smiling as well.
I'll be smiling knowing that they have just awoken more people, and I'll be looking forward to reading your mail, hearing from each one of you, and I am blessed.
I'm blessed that I know my children will be supported and will be okay no matter what happens.
So thank you, thank you, for you know, the whole way through this fight when I've been down at times and feeling like fucking hell, man.
I know there's an army behind me, and I read every one of your messages. I may not answer the DMs, but I read the heartfelt messages; I read the support. It picks me up, and if ever I'm down, I just pick up my phone, go through the DMs, look for the hot chicks, I'm joking, but I'm grateful.
I'm very grateful for your support, every one of you, and even my legal battle now, Ezra.
I was fucked last two weeks ago; I was fucked. Even fucking weeks, Ezra rides.
Ezra Rides save the day.
And he's been so busy, and he goes, "What's the latest?" I ain't even got a lawyer booked; they froze the Tide account, which is where they froze it. They refused point-blank; we've got them.
I've got the stuff to show the judge.
We said, "Okay." They said, "We'll send the money to another account in this name."
So, well, we can't get one in this name because you've closed it, you know?
So then we set up another account, and then we got them to send the money there, and it said "pending" for seven days.
And then the new account, they sent us an email.
"We're closing again before we get the money."
So then we said, "Right, so we're at the stage now.
We need the bloody money.
I'm in a court case.
Send the money directly to lawyers.
We'll get the lawyers to message you."
"No, we can't do that. We won't do that." Then we can set an account up abroad, you know?
And then we send them the same name account, and they say, "No, it has to be in the UK." It's like, you literally are stopping us from being able to defend ourselves.
Now, why would they do that?
My first line of defense in this case, they never gave me an injunction.
During the opening of this trial, they're asking the judge to excuse the fact they never gave me the injunction.
I swear to God, I've read it.
It's like, "What the fuck?" They admit they never gave me the injunction.
To give an injunction, they have to use a process server for it to be legitimately given. They say we emailed him it.
Well, that doesn't fucking count, does it?
That doesn't count.
That's not being given an injunction.
So you haven't given me a legal injunction.
So then their opening statement says, "We understand we did not follow procedure, but we're asking for the judge to excuse this."
So all they need to do is get a judge that doesn't actually follow the law because the law is the law, and Justice Nicklin, who gave me the injunction, we've got a case where he says that emailing does not constitute service.
So he's saying what he's done is not legal, but we won't get to that.
I am not, but I am not putting my hopes on that.
They're sending me to jail.
There's no way the Attorney General's office has not sat down and already knows they've got a fixed sentence for me.
So I'm going to jail.
I suspect I'll be happy if I get two years.
I'll be happy and smiling.
If they give me two years, I'm happy, yeah, because it could be four.
Unfortunately. And then I'll be on solitary confinement for a year.
But then, with your help, with Ezra's help, which Ezra said he's going to fly over, we then fight for a judicial review because they can't hold someone in solitary confinement for that long.
It's fucking ruined you, yeah?
So they're not allowed to do that.
So then they have to look up; we can fight.
The fight just continues.
And I've always been in a position to fight. I quite like a fight, yeah?
But I've always been in a position to fight because people have put me in that position.
Without you, there would be no fight.
So thank you.
And this time, Ferdragan family, you won't have Julian Assange up.
I won't have Julian Assange up above me at the wind, like twice.
What was that in there?
Four months?
Twice he spoke.
But imagine how broken he is.
Imagine how broken he was.
And they got away with that.
Look what they've done to him as a journalist.
They got away with it.
So who knows what they're going to do now.
But I also know that whatever they do, our voices will echo throughout the globe.
So please, if you want to know what you can do, share the documentary.
Make sure you share it everywhere.
If I'm in jail now, share it with your friends.
Play it.
Upload it.
It's only on 55 million.
Yeah, it's only on 55.
Send me a jail card.
Elon! Share the film.
You're at war with Keir Starmer.
Just show the film.
It destroys the judiciary. It proves everything we all know.
So, you want to put a smile on my face in jail, share the film then.
All right, Saturday. We'll see you there. And Victoria is it?
Victoria Station, 11 o'clock.
Must from 11 o'clock. Start at one.
It's going to be a beautiful day. Behave, everyone. And that's coming from me.
Be good.
Tommy says be good.
Be good, man.
That's what Lord P says.
I know.
I just spoke to Lord Pearson.
He said, I just spoke to Lord Pearson on the phone.
He said, Tommy, what was the last thing I said to you?
I said to you, please behave.
What have you done now?
I said, Lord P, I'm not going to behave.
All right?
Not with them in power. Cheers.
Yes, thank you.
To Peter, thanks.
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