Show notes and Transcript
Jake Lang joins us once again from his DC prison cell. He is being held for his crime of being at Capital Hill on January 6th 2021 and like many of his fellow prisoners he has suffered many months of solitary confinement.
In the last few weeks Jake and a group of fellow prisoners have submitted an application for their case to be heard at the Supreme Court.
This is a huge breakthrough and could be a gamechanger for the hundreds of individuals held without trial.
The system fears the J6 prisoners not because they are violent or have done anything wrong but because they love their country and their President, Donald J Trump.
Jake shares how the public can financially support him and the many others through and through prayer.
One thing that stands out in this interview is Jakes strong faith and resolve and how that has kept him going.
Political prisoner Jake Lang is serving time in Washington DC for his actions on January 6th.
Jake, a Jewish Trump supporter, has been held without trial and abused in the DC Gitmo for over a year and a half.
He was trampled when Capitol Police attacked and then without warning pushed Trump supporters down the stairs outside the US Capitol in Washington DC.
Jake was buried under several people when the Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him.
He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was trampled as the police pushed Trump protesters on top of her.
Jake saw Rosanne die.
He also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body that was lying next to Rosanne as the DC Police continued to beat, push and pepper spray the protesters on the ground.
That’s when Jake decided to take action.
Being a former wrestler, he was able to save himself and then he pulled Philip to safety.
His rescue of Mr Anderson was caught on video, The entire time he was pulling him to safety the police continued to strike protesters with sticks and attack them with pepper spray.
Jake saved Philip Anderson’s life.
Then he went back and confronted the police who were still attacking the Trump supporters.
It should be noted that the Trump crowd was entirely peaceful until the Capitol Police decided to fire flash grenades on the men, women, children and seniors who had gathered outside the US Capitol.
The Truth about January 6th Documentary, narrated by Jake Lang available at
The Political Prisoner Podcast
Interview recorded 6.9.23
*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.
Check out his art and follow him on GETTR and Twitter
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(Hearts of Oak)
Hello, Hearts of Oak and welcome to another interview coming up in a moment with Jake Lang, who rejoins us.
He was with us last year and he joined us to discuss an update.
He, of course, one of the J6ers incarcerated. He joined us from his cell in D.C.
And he shares a big move in the right direction, which is an application that is being submitted at the Supreme Court for them to be involved in this.
No one is really wanting to be involved with the J6ers. the hundreds and hundreds of individuals who have been locked away with no access to justice.
And Jake joins us to talk about their trials, talk about his faith, which has kept him strong through this.
The engagement with the prison officers, with other prisoners and how the Republican Party have really done little to help them and just want the J6ers to be swept under the carpet as a problem.
They hope to go away.
But he talks about their legal fund,, and also shares how you can remember them if you're a Christian in prayer.
Jake Lang, it is wonderful to have you back with us. Thank you so much for joining Hearts of Oak today.
(Jake Lang)
My brother, thank you for having me on. God bless you guys.
God bless you. And I want to actually touch on your faith, which I think gives you strength.
And as a Christian, I am encouraged that you are holding fast to God. But let's take slightly back. Can you give us an update? We spoke last year and it seems to be that it's been chaos has suddenly opened up in regards to those who have been held for J6. So what is your current situation, Jake?
So, Peter, I have been held as a political prisoner in the United States of America.
I'm actually in Washington, D.C. jail right now, about five miles from the United States Capitol.
I've been held here for almost 1,000 days now. It's about day 972, I believe, without a trial here in America for my actions, for my patriotic stand that I took on January 6th at the United States Capitol to help protest a stolen election that the Democrats orchestrated against our then sitting President Donald Trump.
It was like a communist coup d'état.
Joe Biden, a puppet regime leader bought and paid for by China, was installed as our president.
And since then, his Department of Justice, his FBI agents have wreaked havoc on America, arresting thousands of other patriots and just hard-working, regular, everyday Americans for their protest on January 6th as well.
So it's, I mean, it's one of the most incredible situations.
You know, America's always pointed out other countries for, you know, how they arrest their political opponents and keep them in these gulag-like conditions and solitary confinement and torture them.
Now here we are in 2021 to 2023, nearly three years now, I've been held as a political prisoner here in America.
It's quite disheartening and saddening, but like you mentioned, we know God has a plan.
Amen. Can I ask you, when we spoke, you shared that you were held in solitary confinement for some of that time without access to actual people.
What is the current situation like and just can you remind our viewers what that was like.
Yeah, so the current situation, right now I'm in Washington, D.C. jail.
Before I spoke to you, I was across the Potomac River in Alexandria, Virginia, in a solitary confinement holding area over there.
For six months, they had me.
So at the last about 33, 34 months, I've been incarcerated. About 20 of those months have been in legitimate solitary confinement conditions where I'm I'm in my cell 22 hours a day, no human contact, rarely get to go outside, just a deprivation of humanity, what human beings' rights are afforded.
I know there in Great Britain and in the UK especially, you guys really have a different standard when it comes to incarceration and the rights that are afforded to people who have made mistakes.
Unlike me, just being a patriot first of all and second of all pre-trial detainee who has not been convicted of any crime. I was tortured as well as many other Jan Sixers with this 22 hours a day inside your cell only sometimes it was even 23 hours a day or more and even locked in our cell for weeks at a time for refusing to take COVID tests and you know once every three or four days afforded, you know, a 10 minute shower.
So I mean, it was definitely, it was definitely a trying time, persecution at the highest degree for political opponents, for Christians and conservatives here in America.
This is what the Biden regime, Joe Biden, the death and the progressive ultra liberal Democrats really represent here.
They want to torture, you know, red blooded, good hearted, everyday American citizens. and they did just that to me.
I am in prison. I'm in the January 6th Patriot Pod right now, Peter, which is about 40 other January 6ers here with me.
The conditions are a little bit better. We're still definitely not being treated as humanely as many other prisoners across the country. There's still a huge political bias and the restrictions they have on us.
But we're together at least. It's a group, it's a family. all the Jan 6 Patriots, we pray together, we make meals together, and we're in this battle together.
So it's definitely a better environment than solitary confinement, but far cry from what's humane.
Jake, you mentioned you're in prison in Alexandria and then over in DC.
I was just literally back just days ago from being in DC and Alexandria.
And it's amazing, you walk around and you wouldn't know that there are many people like you who are locked away.
I think the Democrats, the system has done a great job in trying to hide away what they have done.
Yeah, that's a great point. I guess we're like hidden right here in plain sight. We're, you know, just a few miles away from the United States Capitol. Outside my small little cell window, I can see, you know, normal everyday life carry on. For me, it seems like such another reality. I mean, being here for two years and nine months now, and growing accustomed to, you know, the prison lifestyle. I've been moved to 13 different prisons, 13 different locations since I was arrested 10 days after January 6, 2021. And, you know, this new world I've had to adjust to is very different, you know. When I'm not in the Jan 6 Patriot Pod, when I'm in a general population, you know, with other actual criminals and convicted felons and very dangerous people. You have to really adjust and it's a whole different way of lifestyle. You're up, you know, as soon as the doors crack open, you're up at 6 a.m., you got to have your shoes tied on tight, you get out of your cell, you're working out, you're, you know, watching your back, you're taking your shoes with you to the shower, you're not getting caught in your cell alone, you know, and you have to maintain your integrity and maintain your Christian walk of faith and, you know, God has supported and helped keep me safe through all of this, baptizing people in the name of his son Jesus Christ.
Baptized eight men so far since I've been locked up, every single one of them awesome guys and leading Bible studies and just trying to walk this this walk of persecution without jeopardizing my moral fibre and my integrity and becoming some kind of, you know, encaged animal like they're trying to make us, you know, prison kind of changes people, but you have to walk with Christ or else you will be totally drowned in the violence and the horrible atmosphere that is prison, and you will be changed.
Your story kind of reminds me a little bit of Paul and Silas whenever they were, imprisoned through no wrong of their own. That was simply for evangelism. You've been imprisoned for something which seems nothing. But again, you touched on your Christian faith. Can I ask you just once again, you mentioned praying with other prisoners, baptisms. Your faith has not been diminished since you've been in jail. That's what I'm hearing from you.
No, not, I mean, that is the understatement of the century. My relationship with Jesus Christ, my closeness with God's Holy Spirit, and my just absolute reverence and love of God in all ways, shapes, and forms has grown tremendously.
That silent, reflective time that you are forced to have when you're alone in your cell with the Bible and with God and with prayer and with fasting and with worship, that time that you spend getting to know Him and revealing yourself to Him and having Him reveal Himself to you is indescribable.
The fellowship and the relationship, closeness and intimacy is the greatest gifts of my entire life.
What the devil intended to destroy me and destroy a lot of the other January 6th political prisoners, has in fact lifted us up and increased our faith and made us grow much stronger in the Lord and turned us into men of really resound conviction that does not falter or fade or tremble at all throughout this entire process.
I've never had a single bad night, a night where I cried myself to sleep, I've never had any of that. The prosecutors in Washington DC Department of Justice, they want to try to destroy and break men and destroy their families and keep them away from their wives and their kids and you know mortgaged houses and impounded cars, but
through all this, we know that we're serving a purpose, that God is not a God of random chance, that He is a God of orchestrated, divine purposes, and that we are serving Him, and that being persecuted for righteousness' sake is one of the greatest graces that you could ever, ever have in God's kingdom. And I'm really grateful for God for choosing me for this battle.
Praise His name.
Amen, he has given you strength to endure. Can I ask you, some people may look at you and think, well there's Jake, he was an activist, he was involved politically and he deserves some of it, but when I've talked to many people who were there, they simply were, they went because they wanted to see what was happening, they wanted to take pictures out of curiosity because they were patriots. It wasn't any intention of anything past patriotism.
You're just a normal, regular guy. That's kind of what I read about you.
Yeah, well, I mean, that's the beauty of January 6th, was it was a million unarmed American civilians simply there to support President Trump and maintain the integrity of our election saying that we do not stand, we do not consent to this stolen election.
It was rigged.
You know, there's no way possible that Joe Biden got 80 million votes, 10 more million votes than Obama, who is by far like the most superstar politician that the Democrats have ever had.
There's 0% chance that Joe Biden got, you know, 10 million more votes than Obama.
So we were there just, you know, I was there in a business shirt.
I had slacks on I was in New York City the night before where I live at a business meeting at a very important business meeting that I had. I'm an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur people there the guys that I'm locked up with.
A majority of them are veterans, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy, these guys are, I mean, the salt of the earth, they're electricians, plumbers, carpenters, roofers, school bus drivers, teachers, I mean, you name it, these are not, you know, this is not some type of organized, you know, professional lobbyists or politicians or whatever, these are the heart and soul of America that's been locked up and been caught up in this.
And that was one of the beautiful things about January 6th, was the diversity and the wholesomeness and the humble, just regular everyday citizens that showed up to defend our country, not with any violent means, but with peacefully protesting.
And as the world well knows now and is learning every day, the Capitol Police launched a vicious attack on us. They murdered four unarmed American citizens. None of the Capitol Police died that day. There were very little injuries. They really used all these chemical weapons on us. Rubber bullets, steel batons, riot shields, chemical sprays, and tear gas, and all kinds of stuff on just a peaceful crowd. And they riled it up into what you guys saw.
Instead of backing down, we did as, you know, Americans do, 1776, revolutionary. We didn't back down.
We held our ground, and we actually made sure that we took them packing and running and hiding.
When they tried to come after us and kill us, we sent them running for the hill, which I think was a symbol that the American people and that the world should look at and see that the American people are still strong.
We won't back down to tyranny.
I don't like to point fingers, but certainly from this side of the Atlantic, from my uninformed position, I feel as though the J6ers have been not necessarily abandoned, but it's not a topic that the Republican Party conservatives want to engage in. They're busy doing other things, and, what you're facing is an anomaly, something difficult that they just want to brush under the carpet. What kind of support have you had from conservatives over there in the US?
Well, the everyday American conservative, I mean, the support of the January Sixers can never be understated. We've received tens of thousands of, personally myself, I've received nearly 10,000 letters since I've been locked up. We, you know, have prayer groups that go on every night at 9pm.
We have donations raising fundraising things, happening for us that are just outstanding the way that people show their love and support and if anybody listening actually wants to support all the January Sixers in our legal battles I started a legal fund that's helped out of dozens of Jan Sixers and hundreds of families so you guys want to support that just go to that's the letter J number six legal org and you guys can help out there but
more to the point of your question, which was, what about the establishment?
What about the mainstream media? What about the congressmen and women, the senators, and the people that actually have power?
You're completely right in your assessment, Peter, that they have kind of tried to just brush it underneath the carpet and not talk about it as much.
For example, yesterday, Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of the Proud Boys, got sentenced to 22 years in federal prison.
That is 22 years, Peter. That is very serious time.
That is what rapists and murderers, some of them don't even get that much time at all.
And it's absolutely egregious. And if we really had a real conservative, real patriot Republican Party, which has been infected with a lot of half-hearted constitutionalists and people that just are going along to get along to Washington, D.C.
If we had a real Republican Party, there would be 100,000 people outside D.C. jail today protesting with senators and congressmen here that represent us and the districts that we're from, all these American citizens.
But they really have just fallen so short. It's so pathetic when you think about it.
Their stand on this because, you know, I think the everyday American, we have tens of millions of supporters want to see so much more from our congressmen, especially those who have platformed and campaigned underneath Trump.
We're Trump supporters. Trump speaks about us often.
Where are the people that are currently sitting in power? Where are they helping us out? They're not.
Tell us again, at, people can go and fund your fight. Is that, the support you've had from the public, those small donations, is that how you've been able to actually fight against system? Because a legal battle in the UK is expensive and in the US is even more expensive. So tell us more about how people can support you and your fight.
Yes, so the organization that I put together is 100% transparent.
I run it here from my prison cell with a handful of volunteers on the outside that are just awesome people.
And we do some hard-nosed negotiating with the attorneys here in Washington, D.C.
We find some that lean more conservative and are more willing to help us out.
And we're retaining attorneys to go to trial to negotiate plea deals in some cases, to do appeal cases because a lot of people have lost or taken pleas and they're not satisfied so we're you know we're helping out people, we've currently pretty much run dry of our funds we've helped out I think about 17 or 18 total January Sixers retain attorneys, fight their legal battles and stuff with the money we've raised and we definitely are in another season right now where we're relying on the people of the world, American people our brothers and sisters across the pond in the UK to help us out.
So whatever God puts on your heart to support the brave January 6th patriots who stood up to defend the Constitution of America, to defend freedom worldwide, as America goes, so the world goes, please go to
(Prison Phone)
You have one minute remaining.
As you said, Peter, it's definitely not a cheap fight, it's expensive, lawyers cost money, things cost money, and we're doing the right things with it.
And, you know, it's run by a Jan sixer for the Jan sixer. So definitely the best place you could put your money if you're looking to help the January six Patriots.
Thank you for bringing that up.
Jake, you mentioned, how individuals can help you across the country, and I looked up the GiveSendGo part of the website, and people giving twenty five, fifty, a hundred, two hundred pounds.
It's that grassroots support. I'm assuming, and tell me if I'm wrong, that the Republican Party have not given you and the J6ers a blank cheque to fund your campaign? How have they financially supported you as a party?
That has been non-existent, it's been disappointing knowing that these are supposed to be our representatives from our home states, people that we voted in, that our communities voted in into power, and to see their abandonment, it's been really sad.
There's been very few that have the gall to stand up and to say, why is the FBI and the the Department of Justice and the federal prosecutor has been weaponized in a two-tier justice system.
If you're a Republican or you're a conservative or you're a Trump supporter, you get these ridiculous prison sentences, these biased DC jury pools.
You get basically railroaded through the court system. And if you're a Democrat and you've been rioting, you know, the Summer of Love, Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots, all 2020, and you've, you know, burned down federal courthouses or attack police officers out in the streets of Seattle, then you get just a community service desk ticket.
And if you're a January 6th patriot, you get 10, 14, 18 years in prison.
So it's been disappointing. The Republicans have fallen short of our expectations, but I think that this is going to be a huge rallying cry, especially now that President Donald Trump himself has been arrested for his involvement, I guess you could say, with January 6th.
And he actually has got the same charge that I got, a 20 year maximum felony charge called obstruction of Congress that,
It's very serious and he's facing that charge now. So I actually wanted to update the audience about some Supreme Court action, the highest court of the land that is revolving around me and Donald Trump right now. I filed in the Supreme Court, Peter.
Yes, tell us more about that, because we've seen Enrique Tarrio who obviously with his 22 year sentence, we've seen President Trump being indicted time after time again. Tell us about this Supreme Court, because that is a move forward, because I see it that many of you have been stuck in the system.
And tell us more about the Supreme Court.
So, no problem. Yeah. So basically just about two months ago now, my team, my legal team put together by the J6 legal fund, was able to file a certification letter, it's called, but it's just basically a legal filing to the Supreme Court on this obstruction of Congress charge.
And what the filing really focused on is that the law code is being perverted and obfuscated and very widely, broadly used, basically, this particular law code, the 1512, and many others, to persecute the political opponents of the Democrat Party.
And basically, you know, they have weaponized the law and used it to try to smash and quell and threaten and coerce and imprison Republicans and Trump supporters.
And that is kind of like a hallmark of a third world court system, of a kangaroo court.
It doesn't happen in America. When one political party comes into power in, let's say, Lebanon or Sudan or something like that, the first thing they do is they start to imprison and wipe out all of the former political party leaders and supporters.
And that's exactly what's happening in America right now, and that's so un-American.
We're supposed to have a healthy political system here, that when one party's in power they don't use their power to persecute the other party.
And that's what we're seeing happen to our law code. So that's what the Supreme Court filing is really asking our judicial branch to work out here.
Like, we need you to step in to basically stop this ridiculous persecution that the Democrats and the executive branch are using to persecute Donald Trump supporters.
And Peter, this could be, this is probably the largest Supreme Court filing in recent memory because if we win in Supreme Court. And we get this obstruction of Congress charge dropped, what they've charged hundreds of Americans with that are currently sitting in prison during prison time for, and they charged Donald Trump with, it could be a massive clearinghouse for all the January 6th defendants that are sitting in prison, and also keep Donald Trump himself out of prison by dropping his charge that we win in Supreme Court.
So this is huge, the political implications are massive, and it couldn't come at a more, ripe time because the 2024 elections are right around the corner.
And you know if Trump is imprisoned while trying to run a campaign that's not going to be good for the Jan Sixers or for this country. We need Trump back in office badly.
100% and the more they hit him the more popular he becomes and I kind of always thought what you're facing and the rest of you in jail, it would need Trump getting back in to the White House and that is what 18 months away, 16 months, if God allows that to happen if the establishment let happen, but this Supreme Court seems to be a step forward and to me that's why it's exciting because it seems to be there is hope before Trump could get back into the White House.
Yeah God willing you know we're the first chance 16 to push our case up to Supreme Court. It's no small feat to file your case in Supreme Court. It took a large legal team and it is very complicated, but you know, very blessed by God to have the opportunity to stand and fight for the guys. And you know, what is now a conservative-leaning Supreme Court, which is to our advantage now. They struck down Roe v. Wade, the abortion act...
So, you know, we have a big blessing coming our way if God sees fit to grace us with his favour on this. That'll be huge.
And, you know, my guys in here, we're very excited for it because it's been mostly just one bad case after another with, you know, going to trial in Washington, D.C.
These juries here, you know, 96% of D.C. residents voted Democrat in the last election, in the election before. And they hate January 6ers, they hate Donald Trump, and when they get into a courtroom to try to judge us fairly, it's anything but fair.
Everybody's just been found guilty on all charges, and it's just like a Soviet style like show trial. You're guilty before you even walk in the courtroom. So, hopefully we get a win in a real courtroom that's not, you know, been tainted by this, you know, hatred for Trump, the Trump derangement syndrome they call it here in America.
Oh yeah it's it's alive and well and what you embody not only in the J6 prisoners but in MAGA itself is a patriotism and a love of country that goes against the establishment. But can I ask you about in prison those working there, prison officers and others, even if the prison officers are 100% Democrat and hate Trump, hate you all, yet they get to see you and they realize you're just human beings, that you're not angry, you don't hate.
What has that been like actually being there and the connections with those who work there?
It's been really spotty, and what I mean by that is I've had some amazing fellowship with some Christian guards, reading them the Bible, praying with them, and even some that are not American nationals either.
In Washington, D.C., about 50% or more of our prison guards are from Nigeria and Sierra Leone, and they're foreigners that have come to America for a better way of life, to become something greater, They've ended up working in the Department of Corrections here, and they have a lot of respect for us and they're great people, God bless most of them. They've been fantastic to us, but then you have this other side. You have a lot of the Washington DC residential guard.
That they have such a bias against Donald Trump that they actually kind of make it their goal to torture us and you know be just overbearing and relentless in you know, enforcing small bits of the code and you know locking us down and making sure this and that happens and it's definitely, they try to get underneath our skin so we've and and DC jail in general the Washington DC jail we've been at war with them politically speaking we have a protest outside the DC jail that's been going on for over a year, every single night.
We've gotten deputy wardens fired. We've gotten the department heads fired here.
We've gone absolutely, we've even had congressmen, a few of them, rarely come and visit us here.
Marjorie Taylor Greene and former congressman Louie Gohmert.
And it's been a battle, but you just, they can't deny our character.
We do not have fights in the pod for the most part. I mean, compared to DC jail where multiple people usually die of stabbings per year on the other side of DC jail, our unit itself, there's no drugs, there's no nonsense.
Everybody, you know, we have large Bible studies and prayer groups where you can tell that this is, I mean, a much different jail environment than anywhere else in America, by far, it's peaceful.
We love one another.
We all get along and you know, the normal jailhouse scenario is just non-existent here because we live to a much higher degree, our character, what we represent as conservative, strong family values matter to us and we live out that way every day.
So, Jake, unless there's something else specific you want to share, I just want to finish off obviously with helping you with the finances,, and also prayer.
Maybe you'd like to let the viewers and listeners know how they can pray for you and your fellow inmates.
100% Yeah, just the last thing. Just been so graced by God to have a voice in this movement and the voice for the over a thousand political prisoners now locked up. If anybody wants to really stay in tuned and in touch with the January 6th movement I currently run a podcast live from prison with the gateway pundit and Jim Hoff. He's been awesome to me and to the Jan 6ers. And we have new episodes out every week if you guys want to go and follow the political prisoner podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify just type in Jake Lang into the search bar there and you can follow and subscribe and listen.
It's been a great way to get our voice out. I had on general Flynn who is a former four-star general in America. That's been a huge political leader then that one episode got way over 150,000 views. So my podcast has actually grown to be one of the leading, like, top ten conservative podcasts in the country.
So that's been a blessing, and if people really want to get involved and understand the plight of the January 6th political prisoner, definitely that's a great resource to check out. So thank you guys for, you know, checking that out and helping us out financially too.
The donations matter so much to these families. People have, basically all these guys are the breadwinners.
They all have wives and kids at home.
And when they've been ripped out of their homes for years, the wives and the kids have struggled.
They can't afford lawyers, they can't afford their mortgages and stuff.
So every single little bit really matters to us.
And we appreciate you guys for going to and making donations.
That's really awesome.
And God bless you for that. But more than anything, we need is prayer, right, Peter?
I mean, everything that happens on this world, in this world is orchestrated by God and through the heavenly realms, the angels that are fighting for us every day.
So we need to lift up each other in prayer to shift the atmosphere and to change it in our faith.
(Prison Phone)
You have one minute remaining.
So please pray for us.
We are really grateful for the prayers, the families that have been destroyed by this political persecution are appreciative of your spiritual, financial, every single type of support.
So love you guys across the pond. Bunch of brothers and sisters over there in the UK that write us letters.
Shout out to the UK patriots that love Donald Trump and love freedom and liberty.
We love you guys too.
Thank you so much, Peter, for having me on, brother.
Thank you, Jake.
Be praying for that Supreme Court to make a proper decision. So we will. I will, and I encourage our viewers to keep you held up in our prayers. So thank you for joining us, Jake.
Amen. God bless.
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This interview was very powerful. i didnt realise these people were still in jail. i hope they gain there freedom soon
Friday Sep 08, 2023
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