Died Suddenly is a phrase we now see far too often as people passing away of "unknown" seems to be the unsettling new normal.
Richard Hirschman is an embalmer from Alabama, who became a whistle-blower after seeing more and more blood clots in his work and these are now evident in approximately 60% of the bodies he embalms.
Richard is one of the key people in the film 'Died Suddenly' that was released in November and he joins us to discuss that roller coaster ride and why the media and authorities want to discredit him instead of understanding if there is a link between the jab and blood clots.
Richard Hirschman lives in south-eastern Alabama and has practiced there as a trade embalmer for the past 20-plus years.
Watch the documentary 'Died Suddenly' at https://diedsuddenly.info/
Interview recorded 16.12.22
*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.
Check out his art https://theboschfawstinstore.blogspot.com/ and follow him on GETTR https://gettr.com/user/BoschFawstin
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(Hearts of Oak)
And hello, Hearts of Oak. Thank you once again for joining us on another interview, a pre-record coming to
you a few days before. And it is an absolute delight to have Richard Hirschman join us today. Richard, thank
you for your time.
(Richard Hirschman)
Yes, sir. No problem. Thanks to have me on your program and share the information I've been seeing with
the public.
Well, it's great to have you. And Richard is a funeral director, embalmer with decades of experience and it
was someone who I've got to know, John O'Looney, who put us in,
touch and I've visited John O'Looney, we've had him on before a number of times and what he is talking
about, you're also talking about, and it's interesting to talk to people in different parts of the world that are
seeing the same issues and it reinforces. But before I jump into that, can I ask you just to take a moment and
introduce yourself to your audience,
and then we'll get into the topic at hand.
Sure, my name is Richard. I've been in the business now for probably a little over 21 years.
I know that I was in the funeral home as an apprentice way back in the early days when 9-11 happened.
So that's how I pretty much remember, I know exactly when in 2001 I started, I can't exactly remember the
date, but I know I was in the funeral home during 9/11.
And I finished mortuary school in 2004, became fully licensed as a funeral director and embalmer. So I've
been doing this for a long time.
And in the earlier days, I had both funeral directing, sitting with families, making funeral arrangements, and
doing the embalming.
But then as the years went along, I became an embalmer specifically where I was working at a firm where
that's all I did.
And it was around 2015 where I decided I was going to go ahead and be a, what we call a trade embalmer.
Meaning I'm not working for a funeral home. I'm not an actual employee. I'm kind of like a plumber, you
know, you call the plumber when you need him.
And funeral homes have sometimes a caseload,
really busy and they need an extra hand. So instead of hiring somebody, they just pay me a contracting fee to
come in and do the embalming job. So I've been doing that since 2015.
And I have embalmed thousands of bodies in my probably 21, little over 21 years of experience.
Wow. I've never spoken to funeral director and embalmer before I sat with John O'Looney, so It's
interesting who you get to speak to in these curious times that we are in.
But I think the first time I had watched you was you did a video with you, John O'Looney and Brenton
Faithfull from New Zealand and the three of you were sharing common concerns, what you were seeing.
And could I maybe ask you what point was it that you begun to see something that didn't seem right and then
what did you do with that information?
Okay. So in the early, as this pandemic was moving along, we started seeing an increase in what we
would call the COVID case in the second half of 2020. [1:28]
And we did notice an increase in some of the traditional blood clotting, and they were talking about how that,
the coronavirus can cause clotting.
And I recognized that close to the end of 2020. When 2021 happened in January of 2021.
The death rate just skyrocketed, I mean, it became extremely busy.
One of the busiest months that I'd ever had ever. that particular month, I embalmed 101 bodies in that one
month alone. It was very, very tiring.
It was very frustrating. And the clotting issue was just getting out of hand. February, it slowed down a little
It's been up and down. That's our business. The clot issues kept getting worse and worse.
And I estimate around May of 2021, it probably was a little earlier than that, but it was no later than June of
2021 where I was having these fibrous looking clots that were that I'm finding in veins which is typically
where we would find them but I was starting to see them in arteries as well.
And as the summer went along it just kind of kept getting worse, well around September of 2021, I had been
just inundated with these strange clots and there was a particular
case that was super long, it was very unusual and so I took a picture of it and I started,
taking pictures of some of these strange clots starting in late September of 2021.
What did I do with this information?
And a little bit, it was actually prior to that as well.
I was talking with peers, other people in my field, other funeral directors that were licensed embalmers, that
have business asking them, have you guys ever seen this type of clotting?
This is not a typical blood clot, which would look like grape jelly if you were to be, you be making a
sandwich and you spill some grape jelly on your counter. Yes, it's kind of solid, it falls apart, it's not easy to
hold onto. It's very slippery, it's
slick, the worst case ones might look like strawberry jam, might have a little bit of granulation to it, a typical
blood clot, but these were not.
And sometimes I would have some of these people actually step into the embalming room and come to the
table where I'm working. I said,
'look at this', this is strange, and some of these people I was talking to had 30, 40 even 50 years of
Then I can't remember exactly when I saw John O'Looney, he did some kind of a Facebook live chat,
something like that, where he was describing,
he wasn't describing the plots, but what he was describing was the same thing I was seeing with the increase
in death rates starting in January of 2021,
which he was saying was almost exactly when the COVID shots started coming out and it started making
and he was talking about how in the embalming room, his embalmer and himself, they're seeing a huge
increase in blood clotting.
And I was like, this is exactly what I'm seeing over here in the United States.
And so I continued taking pictures and images. I didn't know exactly how to come out publicly about it. I
brought images when I only had three to my personal doctor, who was trying to get me to get the COVID
vaccine, told me it was 95% effective,
how I would never get covid blah blah blah. Well, I had already had covid prior to the vaccine coming out so
I didn't worry about it, and you know, I had chickenpox when I was a kid, so I don't go get chickenpox
vaccine either,
so I thought it was kind of pointless to have.
Anyway, he was so shocked when he saw the picture when I only had three on my phone. I mean, this is how
early it was. It was around in October of 2021 that he actually brought in another doctor to look at it.
He couldn't explain what it was. He just found it, really fascinating.
So I continued taking some images and I ended up getting in contact with a doctor who was at a funeral
home who met a funeral director and they got on the topic of these issues that are happening and how by then
people were suspecting there was an issue and a link between COVID vaccine and the strange rise in death
rates and unusual things that were happening, which I too was becoming suspect, because a lot of times the
people were coming into my care died suddenly that were healthy,
they were fine.
The next thing you know, they fall over dead.
They have a stroke. They have a heart attack. They have these, you know, whatever issues. And when I'm
embalming and I'm seeing this strange clotting, I'm like, it's no wonder they had a heart attack.
It's no wonder they had a stroke, because it wouldn't take much of this at all to create one of those conditions.
So by that, getting in contact with that individual, that individual then put me in contact with Dr. Jane Ruby,
who is on Stu Peters Network often, and she did an interview with me in about January 26th.
or 27th of 2022, which was this year, almost a year ago.
And that's kind of what kicked off the awareness of what's going on.
John O'Looney deserves all the credit for being the first mortician to come forward with his concerns, and
because he sits with families,
and he's talking to them, he gets the information on vaccine status.
I'm not the one sitting with the family asking. All I'm seeing is there's a change in people's blood. Something
is causing this and we need to get to the bottom of it,
so that's where we are today.
John O'Looney shined the flash-light on the issue, and his concern about the vaccine.
And my concern is something is happening to people's blood, it's different, it's not the same. You can almost
tell something
is wrong with the way the blood is and I think that that may be the underlying issues, all of all of these
sudden deaths,
all of these health issues that are happening.
Is there, I mean, most industries have a system where you can raise concerns, either anonymously or
publicly. I have no idea about the embalming world, but is there a similar thing where you can post issues or
things that you're seeing, or does that not exist? Was there a way for you to,
put it internally as so?
Some of the people that I have talked to when I was going through this, these steps of gathering the evidence
of what
i'm seeing, some of these people are actual coroners, okay, so did I raise a concern with the corner which
would in in my opinion, probably be one of the first steps.
But the problem is, we don't, so imagine if every embalmer were out there and he saw something strange,
were to sit there and call the police.
It doesn't work that way.
So we do have obligation is as an embalmer, and I've only had to do this twice in my 21 years,
where I saw something that was suspicious, a mark on the body that looks like,
hey, that kind of looks like foul play.
A coroner has to know that this looks like foul play. If I were to embalm a body,
it came in and I saw a knife in somebody's back, I would probably be required ethically to report that to the
Then they would have to sit there and investigate.
But if you go back and you look at what they did, and I'm talking what the medical system did to any doctor,
any nurse that rose their hands and said something is wrong, and any concern against the vaccine, what
happened to them?
They were almost always targeted as misinformation and all these things.
And so as I'm sitting here having all this, if they won't listen to doctors like Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough,
Robert Malone, any of these experts.
If they won't listen to them, what makes do you think they would listen to a little simple guy, simple
embalmer, who's not a doctor, he's not a scientist, he's just a mortician in Southeast Alabama.
If they won't pay attention to the experts, what makes you think they would pay attention to me?
I don't think it would happen.
The film has just come out, Died Suddenly.
And so it's at diedsuddenly.info. It's one of those that I thought I'll watch a couple of minutes and get an idea,
but I couldn't really put it down, I need to watch it all. What you watch the first two, three minutes, it's wow.
And it of course was stuff I'd heard from John before and taking it much wider.
You're in the film, John's in the film, others are in it.
Tell us about that. What has kind of been the response to that? I guess, put you on a public level, which you
weren't previously. So what has that been like for you and how have you seen that develop, that information
going out,
which has only been out, what, just over a month or so now?
It was November 21st, so it hasn't even been a month. So yeah, that is a wild roller coaster ride I am going to
tell you and
the response has been amazing. And it's at first, I mean, they were fast, the PolitiFact was really quick, even
back in January, trying to sit there and say, there's scientific evidence that my findings is most, and what I'm
saying is mostly false.
And so there were some hit pieces right away, right away. And it was really frustrating and it made me
quite angry.
But then I was talking with a friend of mine, Jennifer, who really put the perspective for me.
And instead of being angry about it, I welcomed every bit of it. And the reason is there are so many people
that would not have even heard of the documentary had it not been for these fact checkers to try to make and
debunk what we are trying to say.
So it brings it out into the open. And so for the average person, the typical person in my opinion, I think most
of people, we just wanna know the truth.
And so by them bashing this, brought it to more people's attention.
And the only way for them to realize it for them to watch it and look at it for themselves, to watch what it is
that we are trying to jump.
The way the documentary was done, I was just a part of it. I was in it, yes, but I did not produce it. I didn't
make it. I did it. I didn't do anything with it than just provide the evidence of what I see. So it was beautiful.
And most of the commenters and the debunkers are trying to sit there and say, oh, this is just a conspiracy
theory. They start off the program with all these conspiracies and, you know, and I thought that,
was, I mean, now I'm like, it's a great idea. Because what I think they were trying to do was say, hey, there's
all these conspiracies, all these different big foot aliens, what I remember
all of them that was in there. And I think what they were trying to say is, they will try to tell you this is just
another conspiracy theory. But then, unlike some of the other documentaries that
I've seen, this wasn't about just me. They had other morticians from around the world.
I'm sorry, I did not know John O'Looney and have contact with him prior to me coming out. I didn't know
know, Brenton Faithfull in New Zealand, prior to that meeting on that podcast with the three of us together, I
didn't know some of these other morticians in other parts of this country over here. I didn't know the other
one, there was
another one up in Canada. So it's not just me, it's not just my findings, which brings more credibility. And
then they bring in experts, people like Ryan Cole and Teresa Long and James Thorpe, Dr. Thorpe.
And you're getting data from all these different angles and all they wanna do is try to throw this entire film
under the bus because of a couple of maybe strange things that might be debunked as, oh well, this happened
technically prior to this or that.
But anybody who does a little bit of research into died suddenly, you can just look at the newspaper. I mean
just look, people want to know how accurate stuff, how bad it is. I recommend for folks to start an attention
to your local obituary.
And a lot of obituaries have become extremely expensive in papers. So they'd no longer put them in the
newspaper, but you can find them if you go to the funeral home website. They will usually be listed there.
And you will find there are more and more people dying that are younger and younger. So I think the
documentary was amazing. It was really good.
And there are many people that would have never heard it had it been done in a way that sounded like a
long drug out lecture that you might get at Harvard University, people would turn it off.
It had to be done in an entertaining way in order to keep people's attention.
And they can say what they want about it, But the fact is morticians are seeing what we're seeing.
And the doctors are seeing what they're seeing and put the pieces together people wake up.
This is a dangerous situation.
And I can't prove 100% that it's the vaccine causing this or is it COVID?
The reason why I believe it's the vaccine it's all about the timing on how everything is played out And how
there are people that I have embalmed that supposedly never had COVID, but had the vaccine have these
strange, unusual clotting.
And I think the experts are starting to prove now it is the spike protein that causes the clotting disorder. And
that's why you can see it in COVID and long COVID because COVID has the spike.
It is loaded with spike and the mRNA supposedly makes your body create even more of that toxic spike
protein which causes a clotting disorder.
So it's been great, it's been really good but what's really sad, Peter, this is what's sad. I have been contacted
by a lot of people, many of which are vaccine injured and they're looking for help. There are places that are [17:12]
trying to help people.
And the problem is, is their job, their employers made them get the vaccine to keep their job. Then they got
sick. Well, what happens to a sick person who can't work anymore? What happens to
them eventually? They get let go. They then lose their income. They lose their insurance.
They go through what little bit of savings they have left and they're desperate and it's heart-breaking. It is so
heart-breaking to hear the stories from the people who are reaching out and they want to help but I'm not a
doctor and,
and I can say that it seems like the majority of the help people are getting that are starting to have some
success is not usually from the whole medical system. It's coming from people that have alternative, more on
a holistic or natural ways of healing people from frequencies to light therapies to hyperbaric oxygen
chambers. Those are what seems to be helping people more than just going to the pharmaceutical company
and taking another pill.
You mentioned about the people contacting you, the people who have been affected and you've spoken up,
so you've become a magnet for those people to connect with, and to share, because their concerns are not
accepted in many places and I'm assuming first of all the mainstream media have not been beating down
your door.
And then the other side is even people speaking. I think I've watched obviously Senator Ron Johnson speak,
here in the UK. We've had one single MP who spoke in the House of Commons a
few days ago, Andrew Bridgen, and he's been criticized and vilified and he's raised the issue of vaccine
injuries. It's something that you're not allowed to utter. You're not supposed to say.
And those politicians that speak criticism and the mainstream media are silent, what are your thoughts on
And when you look around and you'd expect the media to highlight a story where something has gone wrong
and yet it's just simply silence.
I'm guessing that's been the response you've got as well.
Absolutely. I was asked by a doctor recently, I mean, within this week.
How many health agencies or government agencies have contacted you to look into this? And the
answer is absolutely zero. Nobody does.
I've had a fact check call me and suggest that I was receiving some kind of, Well, actually asked me, was I
receiving compensation for doing or being a part of the documentary?
And of course I laughed. I was like, no, I don't have a website. I don't have a platform.
I'm not selling a book.
I'm not selling anybody's supplements.
I have absolutely zero financial interest in what I'm trying to do here.
And that's just bring awareness and not only myself, but everybody that I've talked to or that I know that
might've been a part of that documentary, not one person is compensated.
It's not about compensation, it's about bringing awareness. And so I was a bit offended and I told this fact
checker, I said, so, you know, accusing me of being paid, no, no, no, I'm not getting paid. Let me tell you
who's getting paid.
You're getting paid.
You're getting paid to go out there and try to discredit and to try to know that this is all make believe.
And so you're being paid. I'm not being paid. You're the one being paid.
If we are right and it is the vaccine causing the harms, then let the blood of the dead and the injured be on
your hands, not mine.
I'm just trying to bring awareness. If we find out that this is because a bad bag of Doritos causes weird
clotting, well, then we need to get the Doritos off the market.
So it's like fine. But it's like Ryan Cole says, you cannot find what you're not looking for. And so some of the
comment, which you're asking, as these people, you're right, politicians,
doctors that do speak out, they're censored, the mainstream media doesn't wanna do that, they get shut down.
This is why so many people, I don't wanna look at this as being done on purpose.
But because they continue to deny, deny, deny, Look, there was a group died suddenly on Facebook that had
300 and some thousand people had joined that platform and Facebook silenced the voices of 300,000 people
as if they're never there.
It reminds me of with the trains in Germany carrying off the people to the concentration camps and what do
people do? Plug their ears. I don't want to hear this.
Those That are being slaughtered and taken away. It makes it feel as though they are doing this on purpose, [25:58]
which feeds more and more into the idea that this is about some kind of a depopulation issue or some kind of
a control issue or a one world government issue, which, you know,
it makes people beg to question, and you're not allowed to question, which makes it even more damning on
Because it's getting hard not to believe this is being done on purpose. They've taken drugs off the market for
just a few people getting hurt. They took peanut butter out of schools because a couple of kids had an allergic
And yet we got thousands and thousands and thousands and probably millions of adverse reactions and
deaths over this and yet they continue to push the narrative. It's safe and effective. A person sent me a copy
of a death certificate from March of last year, of 2021 and it's said it's
because of the vaccine and they say, 'but nobody's died from the vaccine' How can you say that?
Wow. I want to come back to you on 'this seems to be on purpose'. Let's finish on that.
One of your videos, I think it was with Steve Kirsch that you talked about over 60% of the bodies that you
were looking at had these blood clots, these long stringy elastic things that were blocking up their blood
And then also the blood being like with sand or coffee or something is there, something is wrong with it, it's
not as it should be. Is it that the majority of bodies, is that still the case? The majority of bodies that you're
looking at have these clots through and also the blood issue?
Yes, actually recently I was thinking that there was a little bit of a decline on it. And do you mind if I show
you a sample of one that I took the other day?
There it is. Hopefully you can see that. Okay.
This right here, I had six cases within a 24-hour period the other day. And three of them had that. So, you
know, just when I thought it was starting to go down,
the next thing you know, it starts going right back up. So it's still the majority of the clotting issues in the
past, prior to all of this may have been at the top end, maybe one, maybe two out of 10 bodies might have
Well, all six that I did that 24-hour period had clots. And three of them had those big, large white ones.
Now, I don't try to find them. They come around. I'd rather not see any of them.
But it's those big white fibrous ones which are the most abnormal, but it's not always the big white fibrous
Like in the documentary, it shows what looks like grains of sand that are coming out. Or it looks like the
blood is dirty. It's stringy. It's abnormal.
It's not a standard, typical jelly-like clot that simply is just a congealed bunch of blood. You can make a
blood clot with your own blood.
You got to do is take it out, don't put it in anything, let it sit there for a little bit and it's gonna kind of turn
into a solid but it's gonna be red.
As it settles, you might get a few things.
I've got, sitting here on my desk, So if people wanna sit there and say, oh well, that can happen, right? It's
common for something like this weird abnormal clot thing to happen.
Okay. And I said this in the beginning. Yeah, let's just say there's some kind of a rare disease that can cause
If that's the case, then how come I've collected almost 100 of these samples since March of, since the middle
of March this year alone.
I had this other thing, another analogy is this. You know what a, oh shoot, what is it the person that's a
hermaphrodite, right? A person born with both sexes. You've heard that, right? Okay. In 21
years that I've been doing this, you know how many hermaphrodites I've embalmed? Zero that I know of.
I don't think I've ever embalmed a hermaphrodite, but do they exist? Well, yeah, I mean, we've heard it.
It's scientifically possible. I get it. So if this white fibrous stuff is a rare disease, then that would explain why
I didn't see it before. So for me to come out right away and say, hey, something's really wrong and then find
oh, yeah, well, there's a strange.... it's an unusual clotting disorder that can happen and it's a cascade of this,
blah, blah, blah.
All this medical stuff, then that would explain it away.
What doesn't explain it away is how come I went from having maybe 15% of the bodies might have
clotting, to 85% of the bodies being clotted and only less than 15% not clotted. Something has happened, [30:59]
something has switched.
And now it seems like it's around 50%, sometimes more have this abnormal whitish fibrous structures
growing in their blood.
And people wanna say, these are post-mortem clots, I'm sorry. There was a great video that came out from
Peak of Prosperity with Chris Martinson, who kind of goes through and debunks the debunkers,
saying that it seems to be mathematically impossible for this kind of white structural clotting to happen, even
if it's solely fibrin, which is whitish,
but usually it's microscopic.
You're not gonna see it with the naked eye.
It would take a huge amount of that fibrin in your blood in order to create structures as large as this post-mortem. So these must be pre-mortem and at least we need to look into it and it needs to be,
studied but because nobody seems to be wanting to look at it just like I saw that video of the gentleman in
parliament the other day, talking about the vaccine injuries. It's just like they try to discredit him,
they're going to try to discredit everybody that is trying to bring awareness, which again brings it back down
to why do you refuse to look at the evidence?
Unless you don't want people to see the evidence. It sounds to me like if I was to rob a bank, then maybe I
would want the cameras to be turned off
or to debunk anything that might indicate that I might be the culprit. That means maybe they're doing
something on purpose.
We'll finish off on that. which would be a whole program myself, but we'll just do 10 minutes on it. I've
certainly, at the beginning I accepted, I wore a mask for the first couple of weeks. It all made sense.
And then things started not making sense. And certainly with the mRNA, my response, well, after five years,
when I see the data, I may consider something, but why would I be in any
rush to get something which shouldn't really affect me? Now I'm down the point where actually was there
anything? We were told the stuff we were told of people falling in
the streets from China, all of that. So I'm deep enough down not accepting what my government tell me.
Become an anti-vaxxer. I wasn't before. Thank you government for now making me an
anti-vaxxer. I don't want anything that you're going to push on me from any multi-billion corporation that
wants to make money and profit from me. And then you've got the whole control that you can control people
through fear and the government have done a marvellous job on that,
on getting people to do exactly what they tell them. Then you've got another step further, which is the
depopulation. I've watched the stuff from WEF closely with the build back better.
I'm still on the edge of that rabbit hole. And I know the film, I know that's a kind of string throughout the
film, a thread throughout it.
Tell me about that because things do seem to be pointing towards that but it's not something I'm ready to
fully accept yet.
Right. And I think the film kind of puts that out there because they want you to think.
You know, most of your education system doesn't want you to think. They want you to fill in the blank the
way they told you to fill in the blank. This film is putting things out,
there in order to make you think and look and see for yourself. They're actually teaching people to open your
eyes and think for yourself. And you know some of these people that are pushing this stuff are useful idiots.
A screw does not know what it's doing.
It might be a screw that's holding together a piece of equipment that's gonna determine whether you have a
certain medical condition.
And by doing that, it may save your life. A very important screw, right?
But the screw may also be a screw that is a part of a pipe bomb. that's there to kill and maim hundreds of
people. The screw doesn't know what he is doing.
It's just holding things together.
It's doing what it's told to do. So there are many people I believe that are in this system.
They're just doing their job. They're just doing what they're paid to do. Just like that fact checker, she's being
paid to try to discredit what we're saying and what we're doing.
However, it's those that are up on the very, very top that are manipulating and pulling the strings.
Government dictating to social media sites, what you can or what you cannot say, what you need to flag,
what you don't need to flag, the same government organizations are funding
and being a part of the big pharmaceutical companies that are working on doing this, they're doing that.
You have so much going on that it's creating confusion and all kinds of misinformation, disinformation.
Some people don't realize what they're doing. They just don't.
They're not necessarily evil. They're just doing their job and why? Because they have a family to support.
They have children, they've got a mortgage, they've got car payment, they've got all these things in life that
they have to do and they're just doing their job.
They don't wanna hear the possibility that they may be a part of the pipe bomb.
They think they're a part of the machine that's gonna save your life.
And they don't realize by shutting out and destroying and taking away the voices of those that are injured,
that are trying to bring concern, they have no idea by doing that they
are a part of a very big program that might be a part of this idea that there's this agenda to depopulate the
And because this is a world-wide issue, Peter, it seems to be more and more difficult to disprove that theory.
It's like everything they've told us is a lie. And I don't want to necessarily go down into the 9-11 conspiracy
However, you had three buildings in New York that imploded on itself. Show me anywhere in history on any
video that was not done on purpose.
It imploded on itself. Three of them exactly in the same day. Half of a building come down, okay I can
understand that, but for it to come down in on itself from top to bottom, three separate buildings, and yet we
were all told that it was all a coincidence. All of this stuff makes me wonder, and I think that's why the
documentary started off with Bigfoot's not real, Aliens aren't
real and then you got other government things trying to say oh well maybe aliens are real, UFOs aren't real,
they are real. It's meant to throw us all off. People that are saying it's not real or,
it is real, each one of them is being paid to do something. They're just doing their job. So I don't want to
believe that there is this thing that Georgia Guidestones said it wanted to bring down,
the population to 500 million people. It's all out there. They're saying it. They say this themselves.
And then they want to say that we're conspiracy theorists or the idea of even think about it makes us
conspiracy theorists. But all we're doing is we're listening to what they're saying,
and we're watching what they're doing. This vaccine rollout, Peter, the last I looked, 5.4 billion people in this
world have taken one or more of these shots.
If it is a slow thing that that more and more people are going to get sick, we're in for a very, very dark future.
And guess what? They're already preparing us for it.
They're the ones saying, oh, it's going to be another dark winter. We're going to see all this extra
deaths... How do they know that?
Unless they know something that we don't know? Or is it just more fear to try to control you into doing what
they want you to do?
And the film brings that out in a way that makes people step back and go, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a
minute, maybe there's something going on here. And I think that's a brilliant move on their part with causing
people to do a little bit of research.
It doesn't take far, but the scary thing is, if you can avoid a Google search, I would avoid it because the first
thing that comes up is what they want you to see. I did this with my daughter, by the way.
I said, look up my name.
This is after the documentary came out and I mean, millions of people saw it really quick. And it came to an
article that was debunking me.
And I was like, isn't that interesting? Here's an article saying that, oh yeah, this is all conspiracy kind of talk.
And yet there was a documentary that, you know, at that time I think there was 3 million views already.
Well, you would think if Google was doing algorithms, right? And when you do a search, it's the most
popular thing that pops up. You'd think that would show up. She, and she opened the page and she's like, but
there was only like 260 shares.
I was like, I know, but yet the documentary has been viewed by millions.
It's funny how that works, but you go to another search engine, like duck, duck, go or something else.
And you see all kinds of stuff that is actually a lot more popular, a lot more being spread around it's we're
being censored.
And again, it all feeds into that, the idea of the global agenda, which they themselves say, I mean, they, I
mean, from Bill Gates to Klaus Schwab and all of those other yahoos out there.
And I don't think they're going to win in the end of this because I don't know anybody right now doesn't
know somebody that's injured from this vaccine.
I have, or even died. I mean most people know somebody and the thing is is they're hiding a lot of the deaths
because the majority of the people I embalm, Peter, are listed as they died a stroke, cancer, whatever you
name it. But when I find this strange stuff in their blood it poses the question, If their blood was clean like
normal blood would be,
Would they have died or would they have gotten this cancer or would they have had these issues that caused
them to die?
That needs to be investigated
Yeah, I'm kind of expecting some of these people to have on their gravestone, there when they died, and
underneath 'But I did get my double booster and it would have been much worse if I hadn't have got it'.
You're right. I would have died much harder had I not gotten a vaccine!
I swear to God, I saw that somebody, this person had messaged somebody and this person is now
getting you know some kind of a medical device to control their heart rate, and the person says 'I've had
COVID, but I've been vaccinated and boosted in between, thank god I did otherwise, it would have been
much worse'. So you're thinking maybe the vaccine is making the heart conditions worse. And that's what I'm
thinking, I think that's what I'm seeing is those that have underlying issues, this vaccine is making that even
worse. And why? Because there's this thing they call the blood is like, something wrong with the
blood, which they're starting to say it's because of the spike protein, the inflammatory to disform and because
it isn't doing that, it can't carry oxygen like it's supposed to.
It can't remove the carbon dioxide like it's supposed to. It's clumping together. It's not supposed to clump
together. It's supposed to be fluid and those clumps can get in your lungs,
cause difficulty breathing, the blood that is disformed is not carrying oxygen,
not removing all these things, creating an oxygen deficient body. And from what I understand, cancers do not
like oxygen rich bodies. They can grow much better and take over much quicker if the body is more sick and
it cannot heal itself. So it seems like there's a serious blood disorder from the beginning I said something has
changed with people's blood. I can see
it. I'm not a phlebotomist. I'm not a doctor, but I've been in embalming for a long time and I know what
normal looks like. And this what I've been seeing in the last two years now is not normal.
Well, let's finish it on that. It's a huge subject and one we have approached many times. I'd encourage people
to go and watch the film, DiedSuddenly.info. You will find it not enjoyable,
but certainly informative. And you'll go away certainly thinking, which is what I did, which is what you said,
Richard. It makes people think. It certainly made me think. And people find it
useful and also you can pass it on. Make sure and send it on to people you know who I think within the first
few minutes they will want to watch it and want to see more and be hooked,
on it. Richard, thank you so much for your time today. Hugely appreciate you coming and joining us.
Yes, Peter, I'd like to add one little glimmer of hope for people, if I may. Dr. Ryan Cole and other scientists
that are out there, they've been studying these files.
But their finding is they're not all the same. So if you've had one shot, if you've had... if you've had three
shots and you feel fine and everything is okay and you're not having any issues, don't live in despair. Because
the vaccine vials are not all the same, you may have been lucky to get a vaccine that is basically a dud, a
But by continuing to take more of these shots, eventually, if what they're all saying is true, eventually you're
going to get the one that's going to cause you harm.
This stuff should be off the market. I am seeing so many babies, stillborn. I mean, the death rate in the
young is starting to rise.
Please, please do some research and pray about whether or not you should get this shot.
Because I'm sorry, there is so much harm out there. But if you've already had it and you're OK, be thankful.
Yeah, completely. Let's say good note to finish on. It often can be dark but it's good to look at that and affects
everyone differently.
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