Show Notes and Transcript
Our good friend, Tanya Gaw, founder of Action4Canada returns to Hearts of Oak for a discussion on protecting faith, family, and freedom in Canada, highlighting challenges in education and Traitor Trudeau's stance on Israel.
She advocates for nationalist movements, scrutinizing globalist influence, and preserving Canadian values.
Emphasizing unity and upholding Christian-based culture, this podcast underscores the importance of challenging mainstream narratives for a secure future.
Tanya Gaw is a committed Christian and defender of faith, family, and freedom.
She is the founder of Action4Canada which is a grassroots, not for profit organization committed to upholding the Canadian constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Tanya began her journey in 2015 in response to the government passing legislation that severely impacted Canadian democracy and freedom. Tanya has been working to give the silent majority a voice through letter writing campaigns, petitions and organizing events, to help raise public awareness.
Action4Canada not only educates people on what is happening, they effectively equip, encourage and mobilize Canadians to take action.
Tanya also retained Rocco Galati, a top constitutional lawyer, and commenced legal action against the BC and Federal government as of August 16, 2021. This action is in response to the government’s COVID-19 emergency measures wherein they have committed egregious crimes against the citizens of Canada in an effort to attain global control.
Her greatest mission is to declare that Canada is founded on Judeo Christian biblical principles, forming our laws and our values, and provides a system of governance that sets us apart from totalitarian, extremist and communist regimes. Because of it…we have the freedom to believe…or not to believe…without fear of persecution, oppression, and even death.
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Interview recorded 18.6.24
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(Hearts of Oak)
It is wonderful to have Tanya Gaw back with us again. It's been a long time. Tanya, thank you so much for joining us once again today.
(Tanya Gaw)
Thank you, Peter. It's good to be here. I always appreciate the work that you do. So I'm excited about the conversation today.
That's great that we can talk from Europe all the way over there to Canada and connect and have a conversation about the work, certainly you're doing and I think it massively helps our viewers understand and of course the WarRoom Posse will be watching so they will get just north of the border there of what is happening, but obviously if Tanya's been with us twice before, if the viewers or listeners have not followed her then you can follow her, there is her Twitter handle @gawtanya and of course is the website and shows the the great work that Tanya is doing there in Canada of course and you're there just in case our viewers haven't because it's been a while, so you're the founder of Action 4 Canada, protecting faith, family, and freedom, educating, equipping, encouraging, and mobilizing Canadian citizens.
And I always find that when you speak to someone in the country, you learn from what they are doing, irrelevant to whether it's just for that country, you can take away principles and ideas and learn what is happening there. But you put out weekly videos along with your email list, along with everything else on the website. And one of the most recent ones caught my eye. And it was, I think you start looking at education, and then we'll get on to the whole issue of Israel and Hamas, I can't call it Palestine, Israel and Hamas, and what is happening there and how that has affected, we've seen the effect, certainly our media or education system across the board here in the UK, I think it's the same for there. But you begin the video with talking about schooling and education and how the, I guess the state system is indoctrinated. Do you want to just let us know what the situation is. You mentioned home-schooling.
What is the education system like in Canada as you look at it as someone who loves freedom and as a Christian?
It's dire, as it is in our southern friends in America and across the waters to the UK and Europe. I mean, this is a global attack against our kids and against the natural family. And so our education system with Trudeau being fully on board with the UN and the WEF he's just going in lockstep with whatever you know they suggest or demand and so as a signatory state I always say that the UN is an unelected body interfering with our democracy worldwide in western nations we've got to fully pull out of the UN and so with the comprehensive sexual education which I'm sure most of your viewers are very familiar with, it comes by a different name in Canada. It may be SOGI 123 in BC and Alberta.
The Win Sex Ed Plan in Ontario, and by different names in other provinces, Cirque, etc. And so what we did many years ago is, in 2016 is when I became aware about this agenda and the sexualization of our children, the indoctrination, and started to really try to bring attention to it. But Canadians weren't ready to hear it. Oh, people should love who they want to love. And it just needs to be acceptance. And this is an anti-bullying program. And it's like, no, it's much more sinister than that. And so in a way, COVID has been a friend of ours as far as the information war is concerned, because it finally brought to the attention to citizens around the world that were under attack by a globalist, Marxist, communist, whatever you want to call it, agenda and anti-family, anti-Christian, anti-life. agenda.
And so finally, I had about 55,000 members that were signed up with Action 4 Canada when COVID hit, and it pretty much doubled that. And then at some point, I finally stepped out and I started talking to the individuals who hadn't been following me for a while about the LGBTQ sexual activist agenda that had infiltrated our school system. And so when we see, of course, as the other side is starting to lose control. I call it like a tug of war. There's that mud in the middle and the LGBTQ have had a good handle and been pulling us into the mud and our families and our kids. And now that with all of the awareness and all of the work like Action for Canada and organizations and people like yourself, we finally are starting to pull the LGBTQ in the mud and they're losing grip. And so when that's happening though, They want to up their agenda. And they became more aggressive and more transparent. And people in parents, the average parent can't ignore because their children are coming home and saying, I identify as the opposite sex. So what we do as an organization, we're not just there to provide information and scare the bejeebers out of people. We actually want to give them resources and to help them to actively get involved.
So on this subject, we created notices of liability to serve to school boards and trustees and to say that you can't sexualize children and you can't groom them, you can't, you know, extort them, exploit them, etc. And so we have just really been pushing back. And then the other thing we're doing is we have a flyer and I have over 100 chapters nationwide. And so our teams within the communities go to the schools and they actually hand this flyer, this truth bomb into the the hands of parents who are dropping their kids off, you know, going and working two jobs just to put food on the table or pay the rent or the mortgage here in Canada. And so anyways, by that we've created a lot of awareness. And so it's really bad. I'm sure that you've gone and you probably had many special guests on talking about the fact that the programs I did a special in October. It's on my website at the top of political LGBTQ. It's under current issues in our menu. And I proved a whistle-blower had given me a teacher's resource and it was called a teacher's toolkit.
And within that toolkit, it was for ages kindergarten to grade six. And I highlighted in yellow the conversations that they were having with kindergartners, grade one, just dropping that little bit of indoctrination, starting the thought about two genders, how they were nefariously coming in and beginning, starting that allyship. You know, they talk about LGBTQ allies. And in one of them, it even went towards, like, if you're a friend, now this is like grade three, if your friend identifies as the, you know, opposite sex, and their parents don't support them, kind of like, what will you do? And then it says, if your friend identifies as an owl.
How would you respond? And of course, that's the furries. That's the bestiality part of it. You just drop, you know, a little thought like that into a child's brain and it grows. And then they begin to grow with the allyship and turn kids away from their parents and that they're loved and accepted here. year. And then of course, they have the clubs that meet at school, the Gay Straight Alliance clubs. And of course, they're changing those names now because we're on to them. And it has, you know, a bad name. So let's change it to, you know, the Rainbow Club or however it works. So we're finding on mass, it is a 911 crisis in Canada, the amount of kids that are being indoctrinated that are identifying as the opposite sex. I don't believe with one second that there There is one trans child that's a complete and utter lie from the pit of hell.
And so now it's a matter of fighting back. And one of the ways we did that is in Canada is a big country with all the provinces and territories. So I always look at France, right, and the French resistance and, you know, look back at strategies of war and this being an information war. How do you deal with a country with this kind of landmass and get the right information and people mobilized. And so that's where our chapters come in. But one of the things that happened in Saskatchewan, which is a province in the middle of Canada, is that our chapter leader had found out that they were going to put SOGI 123 and implement it last September into the education system. And that's... SOGI is already in BC and Alberta, and it's the ARC Foundation that brought that in, and they want to be in every province across the nation. So we started lobbying the government. We served the notice of liability.
We provided them all kinds of copious information showing the harms that this was causing to children and that they had a duty to prevent harm. And that now that they knew this and had all of this information, they were looking at potential legal actions in the future. Well, by August, they had reversed their decision and they banned SOGI and they banned Planned Parenthood because they had had these sex cards that grade nine kids accidentally got into their hands. And so we lobbied them and said no third parties should have access or teach any sexual health within our schools. And so that's been expanding in New Brunswick. And there's the fight going on in Alberta. We're doing work in the background there as well. And there's a battle going on in Saskatchewan because the LGBTQ.
They are furious that they lost this one. And so as they do, they try to victimize and get in the courts. And I believe we're going to win. And I believe that we're winning this ideological war. I'm very encouraged by what's going on in Europe, in the UK with the Tavistock, what's going on in the United States. 26 states are completely annihilating the LGBTQ, DEI, globalist agenda. So there's lots of progress being made, but it seems to be a ripple effect. Europe and the UK were very much ahead of us on the problems that we're all facing, mass immigration, LGBTQ, DEI, et cetera. Then the United States, it increased when Obama, was sitting president, and then when Trudeau got in is when he started to fast-track these agendas as well. And it's overwhelming what we're being hit with, with the Liberal government and the NDP aligning with them and the Bloc Quebecois. So we're in quite a crisis in Canada, but people are waking up and we've got hope for the future. Things are really turning around.
And that's a massive issue, and I'll leave that to our viewers and listeners to delve deeper. I just want to give a taster because I think that's really essential. But there is another issue that Europe are ahead of the curve, and that's Islamization.
And the EU have traditionally been very anti-Israel. The UK have generally been more supportive of Israel in relation to certainly the rest of Europe. But then we have the current situation sparked off on October the 7th from that horrendous attack into Israel. And you touch on this, and I'd like to maybe expand on this issue, the Canadian response to what has happened there over in Israel.
What's the Canadian government's general response? I'm assuming I kind of know where to pigeonhole Trudeau, but I'll let you tell me. What's the Canadian government's kind of outlook traditionally been on Israel?
Well, under Stephen Harper, Canada was fully in support of Israel. When Trudeau took office, when he was running for office, he was supporting everything and anything that would get him a vote. He's just the most ridiculous man on the face of the earth next to Biden. I think they're competing for that position. And so, yeah, what happened is when that had taken place, I mean, the whole world was shocked and appalled and horrified at the attack and what Islam, well, this is, you know, throughout the Middle East, they've come in, subjugated, overtaken, but through cruelty, every possible country they could. And they're working on the Western nations as well. And it's been no different in Canada. So Trudeau is a traitor.
He is hated by the majority of Canadians. He's a wannabe dictator. And he's made his allegiance to China very clear. He's made his allegiance to Islam very clear. He's made his allegiance to Calestani Sikhs very clear. He is just, you know, he's like he's bipolar. He has multiple personalities. And the whole thing is, you know, it's all falling down on him, because you can't continue to support all these different individuals, because they're all vying for position, and all vying for his attention. And this is a war going on in Canada for our very existence. And so Trudeau turned his back on Israel. When everything came out about UNRWA a few months ago, was it in February?
You know, the United States pulled out their funding right away, Canada, you know, through pressure said they were going to stop funding, they paused, paused funding. But as it turned out, the next payment was in April. And by then he had already lifted it. So as we saw, the tunnels were beneath, underneath UNRWA, no way that they're not involved in these attacks and this war against Israel. We see what they're teaching the children in the school. And so they should be completely defunded. And we're going to be we're working on that. The purpose I'm saying that is Justin Trudeau, prior to this, has funded terrorism. There's a case by Tom Quiggan against him with all the evidence possible to prove that through funding certain Islamic organizations in Canada, those organizations are funding terrorism. No different with UNRWA. So by funding UNRWA, Trudeau is funding terrorism.
And so he's made this. Then he went with voted in favor of the arms embargo, which was a huge turn of events. And that had escalated, I guess, the foundation of where or the legitimacy in the hearts of the Palestinians in Canada. So they feel very much like all this pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist events that are going on in our streets are very similar to, of course, what's going on in Europe and the UK. Hey, we have Naveed Awan. And I mean, he's out there preaching the hate. He hasn't been arrested or locked up. And I think that his time is coming. We've managed to get some of his social media shut down and de-platforming him. And so it is happening.
And so yeah, Trudeau, as far as I'm concerned, he's turned his back on Israel. And as a result, I'm working with a gentleman by the name of Majed El Sheffi from One Free World International, and we started a task force for Israel to change the direction of the support to say, because biblically speaking as a Christian, God says that we're to pray for the peace of Israel, of Jerusalem, and we're to support Israel. That doesn't mean I support Netanyahu. Just like if we had gone at war and America attacked Canada, I would expect the world to be supporting Canadians to say, we support Canada and their right to exist. They don't support a traitor like Justin Trudeau. And so I don't have much, many words about Netanyahu. We don't know the whole story.
But at that point, I 100% believe that Israel has the right to exist. And Israel goes beyond the borders as to what was designated to them.
Israel encompassed so much more land historically than where they are now. So we're very much about proclaiming the truth, countering Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party's position and the NDP. And yeah, so I don't know where you want to go from there as far as Israel is concerned. And as well, I will go a step further that Trudeau is very much, he's going to fail in the next election.
Other than the possibility that they, of course, cheat and do something with the polls. I don't know with this much attention on them how they could do that, but who knows? That's how dictators stay in office, but we've got quite a war. We know that. And so he wants the Muslim vote. He wants the Khalistani Sikh vote. So he is flooding Canada with all of these immigrants, and nobody is expected to integrate and assimilate. And it's it's getting very concerning and so now what he's done is he has promised to bring five to six thousand Palestinians in from Gaza into Canada well back in just..
Let me come down, I just want to, the political side and then I definitely want to get on that because I saw you put up information about that and it's intriguing but what's the, because I know we've had, ages ago, we had Maxime Bernier on, interviewed him, and they have not had the electoral breakthrough we were hoping, maybe the last election. Of course, election cycles come and go, so there's always the future one. But then the Conservatives have changed their leader.
What is the kind of pushback on Trudeau? Are the Conservatives actually, have they decided to be Conservative? Conservative, Maxime Bernier's party, is that going to rise up? Because obviously the NDP have fallen completely in bed with Trudeau. So where is the kind of pushback, the opposition to Trudeau?
We've got a lot of afraid Canadians who are going to vote for the Conservative Party because they so badly want to vote Trudeau out. And we know what that means when you're voting for a party to get somebody out. It doesn't necessarily mean we're going to be in a greater position. Once the Conservative Party gets in, there are good sitting Conservatives, but they've also been infiltrated by globalists, by people from what they refer to as the left, with, you know, an anti
Canadian or anti-Christian viewpoint. And so there are concerns and I'm, actually Maxime's going to be on my show at the end of the month. I was just speaking to him the other day. He's a dear friend. And, I have engaged with Maxime since 2018 is when I first met him personally, met with him in March of 2019, because I wanted to try to help affect the policies of the organization andbe a voice in his ear. So, because I had been working already for four or five years at that point. And I was, it was very clear to me where the Conservative Party had headed, that no matter how many letters we wrote to the Conservative Party, they weren't going to change their view, they weren't going to do the right thing. I mean, they had a majority that, you know, the country was headed in the right direction, but they decided to sign on to some of the, Stephen Harper, he was not actually a friend of Canada's, He was signing on to the Sustainable Development Goals. He had opportunities to appoint judges and senators, and he didn't do that because he was going to appoint some that were LGBTQ friendly, it's reported, and he thought he would lose the election. Well, he ends up losing the election and Justin Trudeau comes in and floods our Senate and the judiciary with activists.
And so even our judicial system here in Canada, as you can imagine, it's hard to get things done. But we have a legal action moving forward with Rocco Galati and we're persisting in that. So anyways, with Maxime Bernier, in supporting Maxime, what we've done is we've changed the trajectory, we've changed the political conversation. Because now Pierre Poilievre, who's the head of the Conservative Party, has had no choice because of the rising grassroots movement in Canada, but to start speaking about the issues that are of concern to us.
Previously, it was the squeaky wheel that gets the attention that was less than 1% of the LGBTQ, less than 1% of the Muslims, but they were working around the clock and very effective. And so it is vital that people get involved. So the political situation is concerning. Pierre Poilievre has come out and he is finally talking about the LGBTQ issue and the concerns with our children. But as an example of where Pierre Poilievre is at, the other day, an MP from Alberta was in a little interview and he was asked, he's pro-life, he's a strong Christian.
And he made it firm that he believes that there should be a law against abortion. And then he was asked if there was a vote regarding same-sex marriage, would you vote against it? And he says, I am, as a Christian, he says, I believe in the traditional family unit. it. Well, not only did the Liberal government, the Liberal Party and the media attack him, but so did Pierre Poilievre. He's such a wimp. I mean, the leaders of the Conservative Party have been so spineless to support what are the traditional values on the Conservative Party's own website. And I've even written to them when Andrew Scheer, I said, you owe, when Andrew Scheer was head of the party, I said, you owe all your members a refund when they voted in same-sex marriage. It says clearly on your website that you support traditional values. This is not a traditional value. And so it is a little concerning still here. But Maxime, he's got so much support. But our problem is that people are afraid to vote for him because they say it'll divide the vote. But it won't. If we get that, I've been having him on and advising. Canadians don't know what the populist movement is. They don't understand nationalism. And so we're educating them on that. And so these big wins in Europe right now are absolutely amazing.
Because I feel it is a look at Canada's future because we're a few years behind you on everything. I feel like we're going to get there. So we're going to continue to support Maxime Bernier and push him into a win. I'm even hoping that some of the conservative MPs will do the right thing and cross the aisle. Step over into the People's Party and help get them ignited so that we can truly take back Canada.
Yeah, I remember having conversations with friends in the media years ago about People's Party of Canada and discussing Maxime Bernier or back when you had barely heard of him. And it was thanks to Valerie Price that she connected me with Maxime as she connected me with you.
So thanks to Val for those connections. But that's the political side. But we touched on the Islamization, and I was at a demo today Well, I didn't mean to be at a demo today. I went to film with Naomi Wolf today outside court. There was a pro-Hamas demonstration, very vocal.
And they were against the LSE, London School of Economics, have got students protesting on this issue. And they want to move them on because they want to get back to education, which is what they're about. And of course, the students have gone to court to fight LSE. And we've seen weekly demonstrations through London. And that's why, as Melanie Phillips calls it, it's Londonistan. But what is it like? Are there demonstrations there? How is it affecting kind of universities and education establishments? Because what I saw today was frightening. Students brainwashed because they couldn't even have a rational conversation. It was just they would shout louder at you and wave their fists in your face. And there's no understanding, no meeting of minds, no conversation. But what is it like in terms of demonstrations, in terms of kind of students being captured by this pro-Hamas ideology?
Right. So it's very similar to what you're facing, America is facing. And I believe these were all sleeper cells that the Muslims had infiltrated Canada, the UK, America, all Western nations for this purpose. And so I believe that October 7th was just not an attack against Israel it was a planned attack as we're seeing unfold real time in front of us and so that these cells were ignited that they were ready to go and that they are being well funded and there are ties that go back of course to George Soros and other philanthropists that hate the world hate life I don't know why with all their desire to lower the world's population, they don't do us all a favor and do themselves. And it's like, put yourself in one of those little euthanasia death pods and let's get her done, right?
Let's make the world a better place. But anyways, yeah, so this is what we're seeing in Canada. This is one of the reasons to go back to education as well. We also have, when we're yelling 911, you know, get your kids out of the education system, home-school them. We have a whole home-schooling page that helps them. We vetted home-school associations across Canada. And we're even advising parents, don't pay to send your kids to university.
You'll never recognize them when they're out. And you already probably need to do a little deprogramming from, you know, how they captured them through their time in public education.
And so this is what we are witnessing here in Canada as well, the protests. And there's, I refer to this fella Naveed, he's a real agitator and a troublemaker here as far as the pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist community. And he had met with a tech college in Ontario. And he ends up posting and celebrating over the fact that they were in the office demanding their financials. This is all part of the diverse. What do they call it?
Boycott BDS boycott. Yeah. Divestment. And so they want to see the financials to see if they're doing any business with any Jewish people in the community, business community or with Israel. And I'm like, how dare you? and and so the there will be teams that will be having conversations to counter that and to go in and say why is it you felt a need to have a conversation with these people and sit down with terrorists you we don't negotiate with terrorists you tell them to get out the door get out the door and then you contact the police and so now we understand what it is that they're doing we're going to be going to these institutions letting them know what their rights are and what they should be doing if terrorists walk in their door, and try to negotiate with them. And I mean, Israel is, it doesn't matter where Trudeau stands on this, Israel is our ally. They're the only democracy in the Middle East. And so we will stand with them, we will support them, and we are working to do whatever we can to counter them and apply a lot of pressure to our police. And to Premier Doug Ford.
He came out and he's a lot of talk. And there's been, of course, a church that just recently burnt down. There has been gunshots at Jewish schools. And so he finally came out and said, you know, this is disgusting. We won't tolerate this. And it's like, what are you going to do, Doug Ford? And, you know, you're a useless talking puppet. Let's see you do some action. And so recently there was last weekend an Israeli march. It takes a march for Israel. It takes place every year. It's annual. And Naveed and his mob, his little mob of terrorists, had decided to try to infiltrate. And the police were very much aware of it. They came out in the masses and they shut it down. And just the fact that we're in this position and living like this in Canada is shocking.
And so, yeah, we're at war. And I'm calling for, I have a petition for a moratorium on immigration. We want to shut down all immigration from Islamic nations. And I want to see all manifestations of Islam shut down in Canada. Every mosque, which are mostly all our tax dollars, are paying to have them monitored 24-7 because they're terrorist cells. And you know the hate that is rising in Canada that's completely associated specifically with the Muslim population and I know that's not politically correct to use the term Muslim people want to use Islamist or Islamist extremists or Muslim extremists but it's it's all the core is Islam this is not a religion of peace, it's a dangerous political system and I'm not sure if you're aware of the, what do they call that the explanatory memorandum that was in the United States, it was found in a second basement in the Muslim in somebody that was high up in the Muslim brotherhood and it was used in one of the largest cases on terrorism in the United States and is in the Muslim brotherhood so it was basically a document.
On how on their plan to infiltrate the west and I'm just going to bring it up here it says in the Muslim brotherhood's own words the process of settlement.
Is a civilization jihadist process with all the word means the Ikhwan Muslim brotherhood must understand that their work in America or Canada UK etc is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of believers so that it is eliminated and God's, Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions and this is exactly verbatim what they're doing the government, has I did a huge report on all of this our intelligence has reviewed it they told me it's accurate and if it's accurate we've had our intelligence come out, I don't know if you've heard about all of it right now it's a huge topic in Canada about foreign interference in our government and so we have many elected officials at all levels of government with dual citizenship, they need to be ousted. They need to be removed. Many of them are Muslim and Calistani Sikhs. How stupid are we? And because we're so nice, Canadians that we feel nobody should be discriminated against and everybody should be able to, you know, worship their own God. It's like that doesn't work.
Multiculturalism is a complete failure when the host values countries aren't being embraced. And then you tell me where in the 56 Islamic majority countries where I, as a white Christian woman, could sit in office. Tell me how that would work in China, Pakistan, North Korea. In any non-Western, non-Christian nation, tell me where I would be accepted to run for office. So why are we in our Western nations, why are we allowing other citizens from other faiths to run for office? It needs to be stopped all around the, I want to say in every Western nation, UK, because they have infiltrated and they are advancing incrementally their own agenda and trying to shut us down from protecting our sovereignty as a nation. And I'm very upset about that. And I'm not going to be silent. I'm not worried about political correctness. We have a right to protect our borders and to protect our country. And we are a Christian nation. And you come here and you respect that. Or I tell you, we'll pay for a flight and send you back to where you came from. And just on that note, when we're talking, we'll probably lead for a minute to the Palestinians, is that in, I don't know if you saw it, but in Istanbul, Turkey, 1.5 million Muslims came out in support of Palestinians. Wow.
It was just this sea, and they all had red flags, or I don't know what they were carrying. It was sort of from this distance. And I'm like, why aren't we shipping all the Palestinians to Istanbul? What is the purpose that Trudeau is so fixated on bringing Palestinians into Canada that pose us a defined, serious threat?
No, 100%. I want to get on. I just want to reiterate your point that whenever someone talks about Islamists or Islamism, I immediately think, okay, I understand where this conversation is going. You have no idea of your history of Islam. There is no political Islam that's separate from Islam. Islam is political. It's economic. It's cultural. It's every part of it. And at the end, it sticks religion onto it to package it also. 100% with you on that, Tanya. We've had Robert Spencer on numerous times, maybe four or five times, discussing this, along with many other experts in the field of understanding Islam. But it does fit in. You made the comment there, and you mentioned at the beginning about the Palestinian refugees. And of course, if you want Palestine, you can go to Jordan, really. They can go there. It's a big country, and not many people there stick them there. But it seems as though the Islamic world want the Palestinian issue because they can use it to hit Israel. But yeah, Trudeau, why is Canada wanting to bring people from the Middle East all the way over to Canada? It seems mad.
Because his party is dying and he wants the Muslim vote. But I still don't understand the logic there because you can't come into Canada being a non-citizen and vote. And so we've got about a year and four months before our next federal election. And so I imagine he's going to do what Biden is trying to do. They've got a mass invasion going on in the United States and Biden is trying to give them voting privileges and you just can't do that.
We're not going to, we can't sit back and allow this to happen. So I'm not sure what's going on with Trudeau. I think it's even bigger than that because back in February we had a huge win. I think he was talking about it after, not long after, it was almost the day after October 7th is when all of a sudden the world and the media propaganda started coming out against Israel.
And started making it out, like, because they were reacting, you know, that, whoa, whoa, you know, like, what are you doing? Like, there's innocent Palestinians there. And it's like, can we reflect on World War II for a minute? And where in America and Canada and everybody, the Brits came in and bombed Germany to stop Hitler. What about the innocent civilians then that got killed? It's a very unfortunate part of war. But in this war, I mean, it's even more complicated because the the majority of the Palestinians are involved with Hamas. They fully support them. They were hiding the hostages. I mean, they've got tunnels leading into their homes and weapons. And so to have all of this sympathy for them is absolutely propaganda.
And I did a show last night that is in support of, it was very much in support of Israel and trying to continue to constantly bring truth. But Trudeau has done something very shifty. So he started talking in, I think, about December about bringing Palestinians in because to unite them with their families in Canada. And I thought, OK, well, that can't happen because look what the Palestinians are doing in our streets. They pose a significant threat to us as citizens. So that doesn't make sense. And so then I started going to work in the background with Majed. We started meeting with high-ranking officials in Israel to say, if you start shipping Palestinians into the West, who are you going to have left as allies?
Look at the mess that Europe and the UK are in because they didn't shut their doors. And I know that, thank God, that Macron is going to be removed and Merkel is still a danger, but she's out and things are really, really changing. But you guys have quite a mess to clean up in deporting those people that illegally invaded your country. Well, we're being invaded in a much more nefarious way. Trudeau is giving them the red carpet. There are plane loads of people coming in. And, you know, it's very under the radar. So the average Canadian doesn't see what's going on. But now, all of a sudden, you're looking around and all these women are wearing hijabs. And I was in, and I don't want to say it by the color of our skin, because my God doesn't care about the color of your skin. He cares about the condition of the heart. But this was a European nation, white, white Christians. And there's nothing wrong with that. If so, then let's start complaining about the fact that, you know, Islam is filled with brown people. Like, how can you berate European nations for having white people? So it's part of a plan. And it's part of to destroy the democracies that we have. But it's all based on Christianity. That's why we were successful.
And so we're seeing it really unfold here in Canada.
It is a white replacement. I'm just going to come out and say it. That is the strategy. And so we ended up, they agreed. And so they said plus it's very hard to truly vet these individuals and uh you know allow them to leave that's something people can't wrap their heads around is that Palestine is not a state it is a district within Israel so they are under the Israeli government officials direction and so anyways we got that shut down headlines literally said by Mark Miller our immigration minister, that he was pissed off for the fact that things weren't moving along. Same title for Justin Trudeau. We never made it public back then. We've only just made this public that this is the work that Action 4 Canada, along with One Free World International, has been working on. So Trudeau was so fixated that there was a news headline last week that said, first Gazans come to Canada. So Majed is in Israel right now. I'm going, okay, what's happened? What's going on here? He's lying. How is this happening? Well, it ends up even in the article that this family, and of course it's a picture perfect family coming out with their small children and an infant.
The poster family from Palestine, not what's potentially coming out of there. And the headline said Gazan's come, but within the article, it said that they had paid to be smuggled into Egypt.
So why is Trudeau, who is he dealing with now and negotiating with? It's not the Israeli government. Is he negotiating with the Egyptian government? Who is he negotiating with and why is he doing this? And that was part of the special investigative report I did last week and last night as well, which will be available today on our Rumble page. But something very concerning is going on. And with this huge announcement in these last weeks, I mean, it was already in 2019, the head of our intelligence committee that provides a very in-depth report saying that Canada is under severe threat of foreign interference to the point that our very sovereignty and our chart of rights is under threat. And that's David McGinty that provided that report and his team. Well, he just came out with a new report. And of course, you can compound that over five years as to how much more grave and serious the matter has become. And so the foreign interference has now said that we've got sitting MPs that have been confirmed, have been dealing with foreign interference, and they're refusing to provide those names. And they might not do it until after the next election. Well, that's wrong.
And that there are countries that they're dealing with other than they name China and Russia and other countries and they won't name the other countries. Well, who are you... Importing, potentially from those nations, that we should have absolutely zero immigration from, because that could pose a further risk. So yeah, we have terrorists walking our streets, our doors are open. And that's why I started this by saying, Trudeau is 100% guilty of treason. And he needs to be charged and put away forever, put away forever, along with Chrystia Freeland and Mark Miller and his team.
Are there actually any Canadians left in Toronto? I don't know. It's been a while since I was there. It's been actually, yeah, it's been a while since I was there. It's terrible. Yeah, it's really scary. I mean, people don't feel safe going out and it's the whole GTA, Greater Toronto area, but it's not there. I mean, I live in Surrey and it's become pretty much the second capital of Calistani Sikhs from around the world. They don't have a real home and so Canada is this easy open door for immigration. So they've decided to set up camp here. We have the second largest Vaisakhi parade in the world here in Surrey.
The Islamists are now being, Muslims are now being flooded into Surrey as well. There's reports that because, you know, they get money, some of them up to $84,000 a year with all of the benefits the government is giving them. Our elderly can't make ends meet. We've got disabled and they're offering them all euthanasia so they don't have to pay their pensions I mean I did a special last night with Angelina Ireland on euthanasia in Canada and how it's expanding and it's incrediblyserious the vaccine injured, a woman is paralyzed from the neck down four times she has been offered to be euthanized, it was directly related to this mRNA gene therapy and then we've got veterans calling the veteran helpline who are being offered to be euthanized and so we're being replaced with in immigration we're being flooded with extremists andthe Trudeau is trying to take awaylaw-abiding gun owners to take away their guns and so we're like we're not giving them up and if anything we need to expand them because I was going to mention that I think it was last year on a bus that goes it's kind of a major route that's a couple of blocks away. And a guy yelled Allah Akbar and slit at a guy's throat on the bus.
So normally we would hear about that happening in London and, you know, in England. And here we are in Canada. And as well, they're trying to cover that up as far as the news reports and the police are concerned, because the government doesn't want Canadians to see that this flood of immigrants is not a good idea because the minority of the population are responsible for a majority of the crime. And we're talking serious crime.
Can I... The term Islamization, can I... How it fits in there? Because...
Canada is large, but it's also you've got a French part and you've got an English part. And most countries don't have that sort of separation. Maybe in Belgium you have it with Flemish and the German speaking. But actually you don't normally see that. And the French have traditionally been very proud of their culture. Is there pushback to mass immigration, Islamization in the French part? Or has it been across the board that Canada has capitulated?
Well, it's interesting you say that because we only have one province that's official French, and that's Quebec.
And the Bloc Quebecois had passed a bill, I can't remember when they did a couple of years ago, against any kind of religious symbols. And so women weren't allowed to wear the hijab. But that also meant that Quebec was strongly Catholic. And so as a Catholic province, all of a sudden, you know, they're saying that crosses also need to be taken down. And I think that they need to very clearly define as a Christian nation we're going to wear all the crosses we want and our education is only going to involve any kind of religious education will be Christian from the Bible and Macron in Quebec I just talked about euthanasia he's very much a globalist and it's very concerning and they have one of the highest euthanasia rates within their province as well.
And so there is pushback against the Muslims in Quebec, but not to the degree that's needed. And so it's questionable, the premier in that province and what they're doing. But I would say the majority of the problem is nationwide.
And it's not like one province is shutting down. Now, what I will tell you is that I was just listening to John Rustad, and we're going to have a provincial election in British Columbia in October. And the NDP and the Liberals are just, even provincially, they're lost. Like, they've lost their minds. They're filled with these ideologies and globalists. It's like mental illness has taken over within our government positions. And David Eby, John Horgan stepped aside. I think it was getting too hot for him. He's named in our legal action against the BC and federal governments regarding the COVID measures. And anyways, so David Eby was our Attorney General and he stepped into the position as Premier.
And, and, any, so the election is coming up and they're losing. So John Rustad is head of a new BC Conservative Party, not tied to the federal Conservatives. And he's in line with removing SOGI 123. But today, he even said, we're going to address immigration. Immigration and I was just sitting there going, doing you know like this little dance it's like wow did I just hear John Rustad say that meanwhile a province over you have Daniel Smith who took over for a globalist Jason Kenney and I think they're doing this good cop bad cop they're removing an elected official taking out the bad cop putting it in with the good cops so that people don't really realize what's going on Daniel Smith is moving forward on parental policies and some good policies, but to get elected, she ended up implementing approving halal banking to get the Muslim vote because the Muslims were lobbying her.
And so, I mean, that's approving Sharia law. And so we're going to be working to overturn that. I mean, we need to clean up our whole government. We need to remove all the Muslims. We need to remove the Sikhs. If you're not fully pro-Canada and that's where your interests are, then I'm sorry, you're in the wrong country. We'll pay that one-way ticket for you to sell your things and leave. I'd be happy to do that. But yeah, that's the kind of mess we're dealing with. But that populist movement, the nationalist movement is really picking up in Canada. And there is very good indication that John Rusted is going to win the election in British Columbia. And that will be massive. I've met with John as well and had dinner with him and discussed some of these things. and there's other good people who are speaking in his ear as well. And so once that takes place, it's going to start to have this, again, a stronger ripple effect for other provinces that will also be having elections in the near future.
Yeah, well, all the things you mentioned, we've got here. It was David Cameron, Conservatives in 2010 brought in same-sex marriage and made London the premier centre for Islamic finance of the West. And that's where we are now. My last thought, you talked about some leaders pushing back because they have an understanding of what it means for the nation state and what it means to be Canada. Is any of that coming from a Christian viewpoint? because I know certainly in the UK we've very few politicians now have any claim to being a Christian and that's certainly a no-no very different from the us where it's still it's still a thing really for many politicians to talk about going to church and and their faith in the UK we don't in Canada is any of the pushback coming from a belief in God, Christian faith or is it just coming from a concern at what's happening, crushing out Canadian culture?
Well, it's moving in that direction. John Rusted, when I spoke with him, he professes to be a Christian, but he's keeping that Christianity sort of under a rock. And part of it is because, you know, the voting, we don't want to, you know, not have the Muslims or the calisthenics, you know, vote for him, even though all of his policies are exactly what those groups of people would want. And but the press the press is there for them to start speaking more on those issues and there's for instance uh the premier of New Brunswick was the first one last year to come out on the rights of parent policies I was shocked and startled and pleased that uh he was doing this his premier Premier Higgs, when I spoke with him last year, I had an opportunity to meet with him in person. I said, could you tell me when exactly it is that you made this decision?
What caused you to say, I need to start making decisions on parental policies and start shutting down the LGBTQ? And he professes as well to be a Christian. And he said to me, it was, oh, yeah, it was around April. Well, what Action 4 Canada was doing is every year, it was our first, it was the first year we did that.
We just finished our second annual seven-week prayer walk for revival. Bible. And all of our chapter leaders and teams across Canada are going to legislatures, to school boards, to municipalities, and we're praying and walking seven times around these buildings, praying for our leaders, praying for our country, and praying for these demonic ideologies to be demolished, all of these strongholds to come down. Well, he had the idea implanted in his heart exactly when we started the prayer walks. So I give the glory to the Lord for much of what is taking place in Canada. I believe that God is being very gracious to us. All of our countries had turned our back on God in the sense that we were not caring enough about who we were putting in office.
What is the heart of this individual? I don't want to hear somebody is a Christian by lip service running for office. What is the fruit in their life? Is there evidence of it in their life? Are they honest? Do they have integrity? Are they fighting the right causes? Does it align with biblical principles? And God has said, anytime throughout history, when you turn your back on God, man, your country is going to come under severe opposition and oppression. So unlimited abortion in Canada, we're one of the only developed countries that doesn't have an abortion law. We are voted in same-sex marriage and sexual depravity. Well, that only takes root and it goes, it doesn't have a limit. And so from there, it went after our kids. And then as well, we didn't respect the top two commandments that you shall have no other gods before me and no idols. And so we've got, we have a right to,
If we're going to honor God, we just say, yes, Lord, and let him do the rest. And we're making that happen. We will shut down all manifestations of Islam in Canada. We will shut down these false teachings. And so more elected officials, as we're having these private conversations with them, are seeing the validity in that.
Maxime Bernier, since I had first met with him in 2018, he would have called himself a libertarian. He's a nationalist, a populist but he's also a Christian now he also gave his life to the Lord and so he is evolving in his understanding of what the spiritual battle is in Canada and he is acting accordingly and you know he's a newer Christian so he may not be out there.
Professing it but I'm seeing it in the works I'm seeing it in what he is doing and so to your viewers, I would just really encourage you, whether you're a Christian or not you can see that even as a non-Christian, living in a Christian nation allowed you more freedoms and democracy than you will have in any of those other non-Christian nations that I've mentioned. They may, some of them, not many of them may be a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there because most of it, these people, these good people living in those nations are living under the thumb of oppression. And we had freedoms when we were caring about who was in office. And so we just need to return to that. We need to return to biblical principles and living a pure and honest life.
A perfect place to end it. And as you have, He is risen. It's about not hiding your light under a bush, as we are told in Matthew, but letting it shine forth. And we are, whoever you are, whether you're watching as someone just private figure or whether you're a public figure, let your light shine. Tanya, thank you so much for joining us. And I know that people can go to, sign up to those emails, and also make sure they're following you on Twitter. So thanks so much for joining us and giving us an update, not only what's happening in Canada, but where your work fits in that. So thank you.
And thank you, Peter, for having me on. And I want to join you in a shout out to our good friend Valerie Price. I love her dearly.
There's only one Val. She's awesome. Thank you so much, Tanya.
Thank you. See you again. Bye.
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