Connect with Dr James Thorp
Connect with Hearts of Oak...
(Hearts of Oak)
And hello, Hearts of Oak.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We have a brand new guest today, and that is Dr. James Thorp.
Dr. Thorp, thank you so much for your time today.
Peter, thank you so much for hosting me on your platform.
Great to have you and you're one of the the names that have popped up to those of us in the non-medical field that we have looked to for wisdom and navigating the last four or five years of the the chaos which we've all faced and people if they're not following you they can obviously find you there is your twitter handle and
Make sure and sign up to that and get the regular updates more or less every other day that Dr. Thorp puts out.
Now, you've got a book coming out.
It is not, I think it's out on the 10th of December, and the links will all be in the description for whether our viewers or listeners can jump on that. But it's Sacrifice, How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable, And that's published, I think, by Children's Health Defense Books, isn't it?
Actually, this is published by Skyhorse.
Oh, Skyhorse.
And yes, I think they do have some affiliation with RFK Jr.'s Children's Health Defense.
And we've had Tony Lyons on before on Skyhorse.
Anything published by Skyhorse is worthwhile getting hold of.
But that is 10th of December. Make sure you can pre-order now and get hold of that.
But Dr. Thorp, you're a board-certified obstetrician gynaecologist with maternal fetal medicine physician, over 45 years of experience.
And you saw 27,000 high-risk pregnancies in four and a half years while serving at one of the largest catholic health care systems in st louis where I was three weeks ago and the best part of your twitter handle is you're a follower of Jesus Christ, so that to me is is the best and immediately I know what your worldview is one of of hope.
And your story I think fits in very much with that of what you saw, but maybe you can give us a little bit of kind of touch your background 45 years in the medical field was medicine what you always wanted to do growing up?
It was, Peter.
You know, my mother was a labor and delivery nurse.
And my father, I come from a long line of military heroes.
My father was a naval officer, served in World War II and served after World War II.
My older brother was delivered in a military hospital.
My mother did not have a good experience, so my mother was a labor and delivery nurse and delivered me at home.
So, you know, I became very focused on obstetrics, and I became very focused on whom I considered a mentor, and that was Dr. Ignaz Philip Semmelweis.
You've probably never heard of him, but he was a mid-19th century.
Of course, he died before I was born, but a mid-century obstetrician in Vienna lying in hospital who actually had the fortunate or unfortunate happenstance of being in a time in Central Europe in one of the major academic hubs where we were losing almost 50% of healthy pregnant women who were dying after delivery.
And it was a puzzle to everybody and it was largely ignored.
But Dr. Semmelweis diagnosed and figured out exactly what the problem was.
And the problem was that the physicians were going from the autopsy room, vivisection, up to labor and delivery and infecting the patients and in essence, killing them.
Now, back then, they didn't have any idea of germ theory.
They didn't have any idea of washing their hands. And they had no idea of doing clinical studies.
So Dr. Semmelweis was actually considered, first of all, the father of the germ theory because he developed it and theorized it and believed that by washing the hands with Lyme water, that disease and death and destruction could be prevented.
He successfully carried out the first clinical study.
So in essence, he's also thought of the father of clinical studies.
So you would think, and he proved that he could decrease that rate of death, which he did. Was he accepted and embraced?
No, he was mocked, rejected, derided, and thrown in an insane asylum.
Some believe he was killed. Others believe he died a very horrible death, a pauper.
And it wasn't until 20 years after his death that he was lauded and praised and confirmed.
I became mesmerized with that story as a young man.
And I thought it was just, I learned a lot of things from his life story.
Little did I know that 50 years later, I would be put in a situation, a horrible situation, in obstetrics that would make Dr. Semmelweis' situation look like a walk in the park.
So because your your your Substack is called Freedom in Truth and your the tagline on that is my dedication to uphold my deepest convictions has no price.
I will never sacrifice the health of my patients for a pay check so when I was called by God to pivot, I did so.
Tell us about what that pivot meant because it's easy to go with the crowd we've seen many individuals have become leaders I think over the last over the COVID tyranny, because they've chosen to speak what they believe is true as opposed to follow the crowd but what was that like for you personally?
For me personally, my mother, I've always been a follower of Jesus Christ.
Of course, it's a very young age, but like most followers, there's been periods in my life where I've taken it less seriously and then more seriously.
I became then the next person that had a huge influence on my life, another gentleman, again, who died before I was born, but I looked to as a hero, as a follower of Jesus Christ.
And his name was Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
And does that name ring a bell to you?
It does.
It does.
So you stood by his beliefs.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer taught me a lot.
And, you know, the third person currently, and all three of these people have converged in my walk in faith with Jesus Christ and in my professional work.
They've converged to a time such as this.
And that person is Eric Metaxas. Eric Metaxas is the author of the probably the greatest treatise on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
And then he's published two books, many books.
He's an incredible author. I had the opportunity to visit with him and meet him last week.
But he has solidified the Bonhoeffer experience.
Bonhoeffer was a prophet to the American people today, and we are ignoring him. This is Metaxas' theory.
In his book published last year, A Letter to the American Church, and his book published this year, religionless Christianity.
And Metaxas highlights the essence of my existence and the reason why God put me in this situation in the last four years.
And that is that we as physicians, as an American society, and as an American church have failed miserably to heed the warnings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer begged, he begged the German people to wake up and smell the coffee or they would be a catastrophic destruction of Germany.
In the early 30s, he warned against Hitler, against anti-Semitism, against the evil regime.
And then when Hitler was in, when he was elected into office in 33, he continued that.
And, you know, what Bonhoeffer did, and, you know, this is emblematic of Metaxas, what he's doing now.
Bonhoeffer was a prophet.
And whether Metaxas wants to admit, you know, he's a strong follower of Jesus Christ.
He, too, is a latter-day prophet.
He doesn't proclaim himself as such, but he is.
A prophet is somebody that proclaims a message from God to the fellow, to the world, to the believers, to the alleged believers, to the church.
That's what a prophet is.
And both of these gentlemen were prophets.
So in Bonhoeffer's day, there were 18,000 pastors. Okay, there were 3,000 that were strongly supportive of Hitler.
The majority, 12,000, remained silent. So we had 84% of the pastors that supported Hitler by actively supporting him or remaining silent.
Peter, today it's worse.
Whether you look at the American people or you look at the American church, it's worse. You're looking at 95% of the American people that they think that they would have gone on the side of righteousness, you know, of the horrible, authoritarian, murderous regime of the Hitler.
They like to believe they would, but they wouldn't.
95% of the Americans are remaining silent or more, and 95% of the pastors are corrupted.
They don't, they're fake Christians.
They're false Christians.
They're demonic.
They resemble nothing.
Of what the Bible tells us to believe. If Jesus were here today, he would have railed on 95% of the churches worse than he railed on the religion of his time, the Sadducees and Pharisees, whom he called vipers, whom he called satanic. He called them their father, Satan.
He was very angry.
He was very aggressive and demeaning of the religion of the time.
If Jesus Christ were here and when he comes back, he will be more critical.
So this is where the rubber meets the road, where Eric Metaxas says, you know, are you going to be a true follower of Jesus Christ?
Are you willing to die for truth or are you going to be a fake Christian and promote all of this ideology of transgenderism, which is a social contagion, this ideology of murdering babies, this bail worship?
So are you going to promote the truth of this COVID-19 vaccine and this pandemic, what has been obvious now, or are you going to continue to parrot this state, Stalinistic.
Communistic narrative that is safe, effective, and necessary?
Can I pick up, because Eric Metaxas, we've had him on, and his letter to the American church is a clarion call to the church to wake up and actually be the body of Christ and to do what he did.
So, I've followed Eric Metaxas for many years, so I echo everything you say about Eric.
But you touch on, at the top of your, I think, a Substack, you have Psalm 139, which was that we are knit together and we are fearfully and wonderfully made and and that understanding of being made in the image of God.
And therefore everyone has value the unborn has value from the moment life is conceived someone at the end of life has value and we're fighting against the assisted dying bill which assisted suicide bill in the UK and we've got all those pressures against life.
Is that one of the issues why there was no concern about the effect of a new job to the unborn.
Is it that failure to understand that we are all made in the image of God and then every life has value?
I'm just trying to work out why there was silence, really, of the impact to the unborn of a new medical procedure.
Well, just remember, this is nothing new.
You know, in 2003, after the turn of the century, you know, again, I'm board certified obstetrician, gynaecologist, and I'm board certified maternal field medicine subspecialist.
There aren't many of us around the United States.
I've heard only 1,200 of us now practicing. At the turn of the century, there were only 2,400.
There's 60,000 OBGYNs, but after the turn of the century, you know, God had kind of put me in the right place at the right time after my fellowship at University of Texas, Houston.
And, you know, I had the opportunity to treat the fetus inside the womb as a patient, right?
So I had done many, many, arguably more than most other experts.
Closed fetal surgical procedures, closed fetal surgeries.
So, I wouldn't open the womb up, But through ultrasound guidance, I would do closed fetal surgeries on many fetuses, maybe as many as 2,000.
And at the turn of the century, the Bush administration dared a maternal fetal medicine doctor to step forward and to help them take down the partial birth abortion bill, which is a gruesome procedure for those of you who don't know it.
Basically what they would do is take a baby. It could be the day before the due date.
And they would basically put a massive trocar in the baby's brain, suck the baby's brain out and pull the baby out piecemeal.
It's a gruesome procedure.
So the Bush administration asked me to testify in my experiences treating the fetus as a patient, which I knew would destroy my career, which I was happy to do.
Many declined that because they knew the results.
There's been a cult of baby killing in every dynasty, every social, every kingdom since the beginning of humanity.
Baal worship has, you know, throwing babies in pits of fire, honoring this false satanic gods. This is nothing new. And this is what the United States of America has done.
This is what the Democratic Party stands for. Listen, remember, they've extended killing babies to afterbirth.
Now, you remember a few years ago, they lit up the New York City Bridge when they passed the ability for an obstetrician to decide to kill a baby after birth or kill a baby after an abortion that failed. And they celebrate this.
Whether they know it or not, this is a satanic death cult.
So this is what they focus on, what Jesus said, Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
And that's his mission.
And that's what the globalists are doing.
That's what the Democratic Party are doing.
They are either demonically controlled or indwelt by Satan or unbeknownst, useful idiots of Satan following this death cult.
So in 2003, the Bush administration successfully overturned the partial birth abortion, only to be reinstated by one of the most dangerous presidents who began destroying the United States of America.
And that would be Barry Sartoro, more commonly known as Obama. And Obama's mission, he's also a satanic death cultist of the globalists.
And by the way, he was a Manchurian candidate.
He was installed as a president to achieve the globalist goal to destroy the United States of America.
And, of course, the Clintons and really many others since then have succeeded in his goal.
Tell me about, right and I 100 agree with everything you've said.
That's why this election is so so important and I say that as a Brit that actually is for freedoms worldwide and for the freedoms for Christians to actually live their faith and for the issue on life it's so many, so many parts of our very existence are at stake.
On the 5th of November can I ask you about putting pen to paper for this book, Some might say hey that's kind of all old old news you know move on look forward but there's something essential about a record being put down for people to actually be aware of what's happening because that's the only way we can learn from our mistakes in the society.
But tell me about your thoughts of actually writing this book and why you've spent the time doing that.
It's been a long journey.
It's been four years.
When I went into this pandemic in 2020, as you stated correctly, I was arguably one of the most senior, busiest clinicians, MFMs in the country, if not the world.
I'm 71 years old.
I've been in practice doing this for 45 years at that time. And by the way, I was fired from that job for testifying in the United States Senate and for being on many shows, including Tucker Carlson's many hundreds, if not thousands of platforms.
So, yeah, I think that I saw that in 2020, it was business as usual.
I knew that this was false for many reasons, which I don't know we have time to go into. But after the vaccine rolled out, I just saw death and destruction.
I saw almost 28,000 high-risk obstetrical patients before and during that pandemic.
I had my fingertips on the pulse of obstetrics, like really arguably no other experienced maternal fetal medicine physician in the world.
I saw what was going on with my own eyes. And then I saw the corruption.
I had the opportunity to surround myself with some brilliant researchers on my team, one of whom is Maggie Thorp, JD, a brilliant attorney, just happens to be my wife.
And I said, Maggie, what happened was in the period of a gestation, about 280 days, about nine and a half months is a pregnancy period, from December of 2020 to September 27th, 2021.
The narrative completely went backwards right out of Isaiah 520.
Woe is those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, bitterness for sweet and sweet bitterness.
This transpired in the period of 280 days, a period of a pregnancy, ironically.
And the narrative went from, you know, we're not going to use this in pregnancy.
There's no safety record. Nine months later, September 27th, 2021.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists colluded with the Department of Health. The United States Department of Health and Human Services.
CDC and FDA, they took massive, massive amounts of money, secretive, unethical, immoral, illegal, hidden from the American people.
Remember, a public or a governmental organization capturing a private NGO that controlled 60,000 OBGYN doctors and that you have this money and we'll continue to give more money.
Okay, but you've got to sign this cooperative agreement, which was a legal contract, binding them to push the Draconian narratives of the CDC, COVID-19 narratives of the CDC and FDA on ACOG and all their 60,000 members. And then in that letter, an email, they sent that out.
They had the audacity to send that out to 60,000 OBGYN doctors, and they colluded with the other medical organizations that have the teeth, okay, to strip away licensures.
That would be the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
And then a third foot of that stool was the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, my specialty society. Now, these organizations had honored me my entire career.
I was a board examiner in the 90s for the American Board of OBGYN.
I was a board of director for three years for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine.
I was given research awards, teaching awards by ACOG.
So this, they became captured organizations. And then in that email, they said, if you dare deviate from the narratives, we will destroy you by taking away your licensures and by taking away your board certifications, which essentially destroys us.
We can't practice without that.
And I said, no, you're wrong. You're dead wrong. This is not going to happen.
I got a hold of George Wendell, the then director, executive director of the American Board of OB-Joints.
That I was a colleague of mine that I examined with in the 90s.
I said, this is fascism.
This is communism. You don't do that.
I'm a former, I'm a disabled military veteran.
I swore an oath to this constitution.
You don't act like that in the United States of America.
This is unprecedented in medicine and in the United States of America, not happening.
I said, shut up or you're losing your license. I said, we'll see.
So I wrote a 98 page letter.
Anybody can get to it.
98 pages published it in January of 2022.
This is a 98 page letter that reviewed the government's own data, reviewed some Brits and other experts all over the world showing how it was catastrophic in pregnancy.
And if that weren't enough, if that weren't enough, Peter, I read and studied over a thousand manuscripts, to be exact, 1019 manuscripts published in just 12 months after the release of COVID vaccine, documenting that it caused death and injuries.
And I put the reference in abstract for every single one of those 1019 articles in this letter.
I sent it to ABOG, ACOG, and SMFM.
And I not only did that because I knew they'd ignore it, I published it on multiple platforms.
It's still available today.
Just Google James A. Thorp, open letter to ABOG.
And guess what?
I defeated them.
God defeated them.
They knew that they were wrong.
They broke the golden rule of pregnancy.
They knew I was right.
And crickets, they never touched me.
They never threatened me again because they knew if they did that I would sue them.
And if I sued them.
There's this process called, in the United States of America, in a lawsuit called discovery, right?
And discovery, I would obtain those documents.
But my research team went further.
I charged my research team.
I said, I know they've been captured.
Let's do a Freedom of Information Act and let's prove it.
That we did. Attorney Maggie Thorp, JD, executed a brilliant FOIA, Freedom of Information Act request.
And this was published a year or a couple of years ago, 18 months ago. It was published in, I want to say, May of 2023. Finally, we got it.
1,400 pages between the government, CDC and the American, a private organization.
They redacted half of those pages, but they gave us enough information that we struck gold.
We proved it.
So basically I've been accusing them now for three years of, you know, genocidal killing, you know, killing and injuring the most vulnerable, thus the name of my book.
This is Sacrifice, how the deadliest vaccine in history targeted the most vulnerable.
My patients, my pregnant women, pre-borns and newborns.
It's out there for the world to see.
SSM Health, St. Louis University, who employed me.
I knew I was going to get the axe after I testified in the United States Senate to this data. Multiple other state senates.
Multiple other senates around the world.
And on many platforms, they also had to fire me while acknowledging that I was a model physician for their healthcare system.
CEO Kevin Alledge last summer called me up and said, listen.
We've decided to terminate you for no cost.
It's in your contract.
And this is, you know, you've been a great physician, but we're having financial difficulties.
He lied.
They terminated me because they too signed the cooperative care agreement, which my research team, again, thanks to Maggie Thorp, JD, and others, proved that in, and we published this in early 2021.
The United States Department of Health and Human Services paid over $186 billion, Peter, to over 420,000 hospitals, including SSM Health.
Same deal with the American College of Obstetricians.
You keep this money, but if you deviate from the
Draconian narratives, And if you don't push it in all your employees and your employees push in all the patients.
You pay us back.
So I got too vocal.
I was telling too much truth.
And so they had to be faced with either terminating me or paying back $306.9 million that they took.
Again, an illegal, unethical, immoral, secretive contract that violates the First Amendment.
It violates the First Amendment.
And of course, these are all secretive agreements.
And then they tried to bribe me with almost $100,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement or a non-disparagement clause, which was the most aggressive non-disparagement clause my legal team had ever seen.
And I said, no, thank you, Mr. Kevin Elledge.
If you're having financial difficulties, you keep that money.
And in my contract, I had another 120 days to work. You know, they could have fired me or I could have fired them, but I would get another 120 days to work and receive pay.
After I refused the bribe, they sent an email to the entire system.
The very same day I was seeing patients Dr thorp is no longer with us.
Okay, tell them because you talk about those 27 000 pregnancies at risk and that you saw met doctors all over the country in the US and the UK.
They would also be seeing abnormalities and really be joining up the dots and you talked about the the power of the the associations that give the licenses to a doctor to practice you also meant touched on a big pharma is it those two or the two levers that basically keep people in place?
It's much more complicated than and extensive than that and in our most recent publications of my research team this summer, part one and part two, and it's published.
But we have gone through what I refer to.
You know, right from Isaiah 28, I think it's verse 15 through 18, Prophet Isaiah 2,600 years ago talked about in the end times the covenant with death.
Now, I don't think this is the ultimate fulfilment of the covenant of death, but I termed this cartel the covenant with death, these cooperative care agreements with a lethal deadly vaccine.
I coined the term covenant of death from Isaiah 28.
This covenant of death is a circle of people, entities, powerful entities that have been in operation for 50 years, but it's really accelerated.
It's the government, specifically HHS, CDC, and FDA that have colluded with multiple, multiple, mainstream, powerful academic universities as one component of the circle of death.
Another one is the medical journals themselves.
Another component is the pharmaceutical industries.
And this is a circle of self-gratification, a circle of control, a circle of using the American people and spreading disinformation, false information, by mainstream medical journals.
And I'll give you just one example that we outlined in our recent publication. And this was perpetrated.
This is a classic example.
You take the two most powerful journals in the world. One is one of your journals, Lancet.
Another one is the New England Journal of Medicine.
We'll take the Lancet, you know, the Lancet In 2020, they were used by a cardiologist, Mandeep Mara, at Harvard University.
And what they do is these entities, the Pfizer and the pharmaceuticals, ghost write these manuscripts, right?
They had to falsely villainize and execute Hydroxychloroquine because it was extraordinarily safe, extraordinarily effective.
And it stood in the way of blocking the emergency use authorization.
So, they had to villainize it and they had to execute it and they had to rewrite history because before that, just years before, I had used hydroxychloroquine for 40 years in pregnancy.
The CDC and FDA were promoting it as very safe and effective in pregnancy, in breastfeeding moms and women.
They deleted that. And then they colluded with a company called Surgisphere.
Surgisphere manufactured false data to falsely villainize, demonize hydroxychloroquine.
And they did it through Harvard University.
They wrote the manuscript.
They, in just five months of the pandemic, the first five months, this is a joke.
This is a sick joke, but it's true.
In five months, they allegedly took 95,000 patients with COVID from all around the world. They synthesized that data.
They performed the study.
They analyzed the data.
They did all the statistics, they wrote the data, the manuscript, and they published it in just five months.
That's impossible.
Anybody with a brain, I've been publishing, you know, I published, you know, well over 250 publications, 270, you know, in my career.
And, you know, that would have taken five years, you know, maybe expedited two years. Okay. You don't do that in two months. It's impossible.
But they did it. And the Lancet published it. And game over.
The media was bought. They put it all over the world.
And hydroxychloroquine, the Trump administration, had procured 62 million doses with Dr. Stephen Hatfield, Dr. Peter Navarro.
And if they had deployed those to the American people, the pandemic would have been over in the United States of America by August of 2020, just eight months later, it would have been over.
They executed it with false data.
Now, when anybody with a brain like myself saw that article, they knew it was fraudulent.
We called for, let us see the data.
They couldn't procure it.
It didn't exist.
So they retracted the article five months later in October, but the damage was done.
And, you know, Mandeep Mara is still in good standing.
You know, these people who executed, these people committed genocide.
They killed and injured millions of global citizens, right?
Not only by paving the way for the vaccine, but by withholding early treatment.
Such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, that is now proven to be 99% effective, right? So these are mass killers.
They not only committed fraud, but they should be indicted to criminal courts.
So that's what happened.
And then a year later, the same thing happened with the New England Journal of Medicine.
They colluded Rochelle Walensky, the main editors of the main editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, Eric Rubin and Richard Morrissey, had Walensky.
And they did a publication that was published April 21st, 2021. And then a second article that very same day was published by Shima Bakuro and 20 other federal employees. Both of these publications pushed the vaccine as safe, effective, and necessary in pregnancy.
And it was fraud.
It was criminal.
They, too, should be indicted for crimes against humanity, not just spanked.
They need to have criminal charges of genocide brought against them, and they need to be tried in a court of law.
They breached their own ethical guidelines that are published in the New England Journal of Medicine that says you must reveal your conflicts of interest.
Well, there was massive amounts of money that flowed from Rochelle Walensky's organization to the Massachusetts kind of laundering through the Massachusetts Department of Health.
Then to the Massachusetts Medical Society.
Massachusetts Medical Society owns the New England Journal of Medicine, Peter.
So, it was a massive circle of money laundering.
And in the very least, they were compelled by their own ethical guidelines published in their own journal to disclose that.
They never did.
And, you know, it gets worse.
It gets much worse.
The New England Journal of Medicine article in April 21st, e-publication by Shima Bakuro and colleagues, alleged that it was safe, effective.
They alleged a miscarriage rate of 12.6%, which, by the way, was three times greater than it should have been for an established pregnancy in an obstetrician's office.
But it wasn't 12.6%. It was 82%.
And I've published that.
I've proven that by manipulation.
And this Shimabakuro study was taken from the V-SAFE data link, which has been now proven to be corrupt and manipulated.
The ICANN attorney, Aaron Seary, has published 10 articles in his Substack on the corruption.
The ICANN, Informed Consent Action Network, Aaron Seary, look it up, look his up.
There's 10 articles showing the horrible perversion and lying and fraudulent manipulation of this V-safe system.
So this is, and this is published in my articles.
This is all published in reference.
You know, nobody can sue me for slander or defamation.
As the attorneys tell me there's one solid defense against slander and defamation it's called the truth.
No, 100 percent.
Can I just, where we're nearly out of time, just wanted to touch one of the articles give people a flavor what they'll get on your Substack and there's a four-part series you've just put out.
I think it's a guest author has written it the covid 19 vaccines and beyond what the medical industrial complex is not telling us and the first one looks at looks at flu and Covid and looks at miscarriages and fetal deaths.
And I actually felt quite sick just looking at the 10 times the rate if not more on some of those and that little chart that you have on the top of that Substack really drives home the huge impact that we've seen the devastation with those jabs.
So I just would encourage, because that four-part series is really important.
But the figures you have on that chart at the top of the part one is devastating when you see those.
Thank you, Peter.
And by the way, we have published a book.
That was my first book, COVID-19 and Beyond, and that's available on Amazon. The lead author is Sally Saxon.
The second author is Dr. Deborah Viglione.
The third author is myself.
And volume two, a new book, following that book up is also soon to be published in addition to Sacrifice, how the deadliest vaccine in history targeted the most vulnerable. It's such an honor and a privilege to be on this platform with you, Peter McIlvenna.
It's great.
Dr. Thorp, thank you for what you do.
And as someone who follows Jesus, the most important thing is truth and is speaking truth and doing what you're called to do.
So thank you for your example.
Thank you for the work you put in, the huge amount of research.
And the public can pre-order your book.
It'll come out the 10th of December.
Great Christmas present, get some people help them wake up.
They sacrifice for the deadliest vaccine, in the history, targeted the most vulnerable, make sure and get hold of it and get a copy.
Dr. Thorp thank you so much for your time today.
Thank you Peter for having me on. I am looking forward to meeting with you again
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